I (21f) and my bf (23m) have been dating for a year now. Everyday that passes i fall for him more. i didn’t even think this was possible. we mesh so well, similar personalities, life goals, idea about kids, religion, and politics. the issue we have is career paths. our jobs aren’t found in the same areas. he seems to have a bit more flexibility but i don’t have it in me to ask him to possibly settle for me. In 5-10 years from now i will also be more flexible with work location, but i also can’t ask him to wait for me. i care for him so much i don’t want to be without him, but i can’t sacrifice my current dreams for him, i’ve put in too much work. i also just care too much to make him give up on his career dreams as well.

i’m not sure what to do. break up now? hold on as long as possible? try a ldr? any help is good, especially if this happened to you as well

  1. At this age, LDRs are nearly impossible.

    Having said that, people should do what they feel they can accomplish. If both of you want to try to make it work, try to make it work. Why not?

    But if both of you feel like this is a fresh start, and that maybe you link up again later on down the line…then do that.

    The worst thing to do is put the talk off, and scrambling the last week before he leaves or something. Communicate as much as possible, work through what your goals are…then make a logical decision.

  2. You’re both way too young for a LDR.

    >break up now?

    Ask him what he wants before making decisions about the relationship for both of you.

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