I’m hoping there might be some tips or offers someone can suggest. Thanks.

  1. It’s difficult due to demand. High demand drives high prices.

    We used to try doing the sun holidays. We’ve been to various parks in the UK and a nice place in France through those. As longs as your expectations are reasonable and are doing it for the kids they can be good.

    Other than that you are probably going to have to accept the prices or a potential fine for unauthorised absence from school. It may actually be cheaper to take the fine.

  2. Consider alternative locations that will be less popular but still fun. Eg Tour the north coast of Scotland

  3. Go somewhere that’s popular with say Germans and French people but not the English, at the end of August after their schools have gone back.

    Ski resorts are often cheap in the summer if you like hillwalking and picturesque mountains.

  4. If I were you I would try to cut costs on accommodation. Camping would be the cheapest option but if you hate camping then look at youth hostels or places that are outside the city/resort but accessible by public transport. You can also save money while you’re on holiday by buying supermarket food and having picnics rather than going to cafes and restaurants for every meal.

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