For me I decided not to get any tattoos because I only wanted them because women liked them. Or buy buy a new nice car just to impress women.

  1. I decided not to buy a new car because the only reason I would do it was to attract women.

  2. Body building, I did it for a few years when I was a teenager, and again (for several months) in my 30s, both times I decided it just wasn’t me, I was only doing it because I felt that it was the main way to attract the ladies. In reality, that level of superficiality is not what I’m about.

  3. Good on you for catching yourself, doing anything for the sole purpose of impressing other people is a waste of time and energy; it’s far better to focus on what really matters to you and see who it attracts.

    I don’t think I’ve gone in for any of that in recent memory… there’s things I do with full knowledge that it’s less attractive than the alternative though, like grow a beard.

  4. I decided not to stop drinking casually in my free time. Had a girlfriend who didn’t like the smell of beer. I told her flat out “I smelled like beer when you met me. Why is it a problem now?”

    For context: I don’t drink to intoxication. I just like a can or two when I have a day off because it helps my muscles to relax and recover. I don’t drink to get drunk, or in excess.

  5. A nicer car.

    I was living with my parents saving a shit ton of money, barely any expenses.

    Could have spent like 10% of my monthly salary and gotten myself a 5-series or an e-class but mehhhhhhb

  6. The only time I have attempted such a thing I went through with it. I already had a male german shepherd and then had the bright idea to get a female swiss blanc shepherd which basically has the same physical appearance but is all white. So now my pooches are a “couple” to me and holy shit do they melt the hearts of females of all ages. Teens, 20s, older. I went full cringeworthy and put a picture on my dating profile of them sitting side-by-side and me kneeling next to the german shepherd so swiss blanc was by herself. I kid you not. 16 ladies swiped right on me in a single week.

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