for context, we’ve been dating for four years. we met in high school, and it was perfect. idyllic relationship, no serious complaints. a few weeks ago, they approached me to tell me that they met a girl. in a pinterest. comment section. and they fell for her. said she gave them the butterflies, taught them what love felt like. they’ve known each other for weeks. i’ve known them for years. they said that she makes them happy, and that i just don’t anymore. i tried to be rational, said this was moving fast. they said that the two of them had been talking for a while, flirting and talking about being in a relationship. i was cheated on and bested by a girl that they don’t know the age of, have never met, or any of the important details. im heartbroken and don’t know how to move on. please help?

  1. If you were so easily replaced by them, it was for the best. If you achieve the ” it was for the best” mentality, it is only time that you need then

  2. I’d be embarrassed to have someone leave me for a Pinterest commenter. But after about 5 minutes I would think good riddance to that flake

  3. I’m confused by one of the things you wrote. Not that it really matters since the main takeaway was that you were cheated on which sucks and I’m sorry. But did you say that your bf left you for a woman he never met? How does that work exactly?

  4. Honestly, it won’t last. How crazy they switched on you, a weird place to “meet”, and to been hiding it and talk about a relationship while already in one?! It won’t last, it’s superficial and has no meaning, you can’t fall in love with someone you never met. This is a fantasy that is going to crash and burn within days if not a month. Not everyone believes in karma or takes enjoyment in revenge but I can guarantee you this “relationship” will not work and your ex will see how he lost out on a real partner. It happens even if it takes a few weeks it will happen, and sometimes that thought of their failed “love” makes you smirk and feels good. Break ups suck and cheating makes it hurt more I get it, but grieve that the person you thought you knew changed into someone you no longer recognize. Let it hurt and acknowledge it. Distract yourself with things you enjoy and take the time you need. There’s no fast band-aid, but once you start getting pissed about the situation you heal faster

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