You check the news and it’s reporting that all our militaries are currently under attack by alien aircraft. What do you do ?

  1. “It’s corporate media propaganda and I don’t believe it!”

    Then I continue to scroll reddit like normal

  2. Is it just the one spacecraft? I have questions if the answer is no and more questions if the answer is yes.

  3. I’d think it’s bullshit but I’d go buy a lot of alcohol just in case we’re in for a shit show.

  4. There’s war… Imminent disaster… The end of the world is just around the corner….

    What’s new 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. Just one aircraft is fighting _all_ our militaries? How? Did it manage to gather them into one location or is it just zipping around the Earth crazy-fast fighting all the militaries it flies over as it goes? And it’s an aircraft, so how did it get here through space? Must have a mothership. Got to blow up the mothership, since the aircraft is zipping around the Earth so fast it’s attacking all the militaries. Mothership should be easier to hit since it’s in orbit and has a more predictable trajectory right? But then how did the mothership get here without us seeing it coming?

    Without more detail I’m not sure there’s anything anyone can do. An interstellar vessel has crossed a vast region of space undetected and launched an aircraft that is moving so fast it’s attacking all the militaries. I don’t think any missile could catch it. It’s moving so fast and so much ordinance is being launched it may appreciably be heating the atmosphere. And this is with all the energy it had left over from an interstellar journey. We may already be dead.

  6. Use that aircraft tracking app to see where the 1% are headed then load up the guns n ammo and head that way…

  7. I live in Ohio. Aliens would never make it out of the cornfields, the skinwalkers are dense there.

  8. Realize that someone changed the channel to FOX News, so I change the channel to something that isn’t pure fantasy.

  9. Get angry that my leave was cancelled and that I should have been at a bbq and then report to base. Then engage in an aerial battle over Los Angeles that I narrowly escape and crash land in the desert with a downed enemy aircraft.

    After that I approach the alien craft and welcome the visitor to Earth rendering it unconscious. Eventually we end up at area 51.

    After awhile I go to space in a captured alien craft with a genius Jewish guy and a 90s MacBook and give the aliens Covid-19 or some shit.

  10. Wait till the aliens get out of the aircraft because their immune systems probably haven’t ever dealt any disease or condition like what we have on earth

  11. Meh…I am from the colonised world, arguably a neo-colonised country so it would just be history repeating itself …

  12. Surrender

    I would turncoat so hard and so fast that it would put our most spineless politicians to shame.

  13. Given my second job, drive to the base and get busy kicking some little green arse.

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