More so long term that cause you concern for the future?

  1. Early twenties and I’ve got scoliosis, IBS and eczema. Nothing majorly concerning for the future

  2. Type One Diabetes and all the complaints that can arise from that do concern me, I’m 39 and was diagnosed with it on November 5th 1998

  3. I’m in my mid 20s and have arthritis. I’m also having worrying symptoms of potential blood clot or cardiac issues but the GP just keeps fobbing me off and saying “aw bless you” so I’m probably going to be labelled a timewaster soon- I also have a lump on my back I’ve been meaning to check out for a year but I’ve only just put in another e consult about my issues so I don’t dare put another in or bring it up at that same appointment.

  4. I think covid might’ve ruined my lungs. I already had asthma but it didn’t really bother me most days unless I did intense exercise or tried to climb a steep hill. I’ve been a couch potato today and needed to take my reliever inhaler just to be able to make it up the stairs to go have a shower. Hopefully this wears off. I’m still coughing a little bit. So hopefully my lungs clear once the cough completely stops.

  5. Lynch Sydrome – I am pretty much guaranteed colorectal cancer at some point in the next 10-20 years.

    Arthritis – Everything aches.

    Possible chronic kidney disease – I’m waiting on a further blood test to confirm it. It causes more aches and pains as well as fatigue and tiredness.

    Sleep apnea – I have just been referred for a sleep study because the doctor is concerned that I may be stopping breathing during the night.

    IBS – not life-threatening, but occasionally painful and inconvenient.

  6. HCM and Ezcema. I also partially tore my achilles about a year and a half ago and I feel like its one sprint away from doing it again

  7. Liver failure. Waiting for The Call so I can get me a new liver. Been on a downhill slide for the past 15 years.

  8. A depressingly long list. I’ve lived longer than anyone expected me to, which I’m taking as a blessing. I feel so bad for the pain and worry I’ve caused my loved ones

  9. Hypothyroidism, sciatica (due to the thyroid issues), bi-polar disorder (type 2), borderline personality disorder, anxiety and depression – all of these make every single day pure hell, I am 31 but I feel much, much older and it doesn’t help that I’ve been in a dangerously low mood for the past 3 weeks which has resulted in self-harm, but my psychiatric doctor is visiting me in 3 days to review my medication so I’m trying my hardest to have faith that things will settle for me, as doing simple tasks such as going outside has became a massively challenge – pathetic I know so you don’t need to remind me! 31 but I feel like 20 years older now with no prospects of my illnesses/disorders getting any better… comfort eating 2 naan breads (chicken tikka naan, fyi) helps massively however 🙂

  10. Im 21 and have a lot lot of mental health issues which probably aren’t going away soon. Worries me because I might be doing okay now but I don’t know how I’ll react to bad things in the future!

  11. How much time do you have? I have CFS, ulcerative colitis, asthma, eczema, depression and OCD. I nearly died when I was born, so I’ve never been the healthiest!!

  12. Late 20s

    Cerebral palsy


    Extensive bowel problems from surgery

    A heart arrhythmia.

    None of them will go away but it’s not something I worry about just try to manage as best as I can

  13. I broke my ankle a couple of months ago and in the process of walking funny to accommodate it i tore the muscle in my other leg so now whenever i stand up i have to hobble along to let everything loosen up again, can’t go long distance without a limp anymore

  14. 33. Chronic back pain since I was 14.

    Numb/tingling fingers & nerve pain since I had the covid jab.

    Ongoing depression is the biggest concern. I have a great life, but haven’t ever been happy.

  15. Sometimes I gag after eating stuff. Mostly chocolate or things with artificial sweeteners like diet coke or chewing gum, but occasionally just after regular meals. Drinking water helps. Taking deep breaths helps. I never throw up, just gag for a little bit.

    It’s probably some kind of acid reflux deal, I figure. Has been ongoing for a couple of years now.

  16. Born with Cystic Fibrosis. I’m fortunate in the sense that it’s one of the ‘less severe’ mutations (Delta F508/R117H 7T-9T to be specific) but it’s still something that I’m going to have to stay on top of for the rest of my life. I’ve been hospitalized a few times due to chest infections, but otherwise my lung function is doing well. I’m also lucky enough to be a candidate for Kaftrio and Kalydeco which are the first medicines that actually try to treat the underlying cause.

    Otherwise my main complaint right now is chronic Acid Reflux. It’s a common complication of CF but I’m waiting on a gastroscopy to learn more. Currently have to be really careful about what I eat/drink which sucks, but all things considered it could be worse. At least I’m still here.

  17. Early 30s and I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when I was 20. As a result I also have wildly fluctuating fatigue which isn’t as bad as it’s been in the past but nowhere close to as good as it has been at my (relatively) healthiest.

    Also depression/anxiety brought about by Crohn’s repeatedly kicking me down the metaphorical stairs for the past decade plus.

  18. I have frequent migraines. I take tables to reduce the frequency, but I still get about 1 migraine a week, and 1 or 2 other headaches. It’s something that concerns me for when I have kids.

  19. Guys, Girls and Other Sex’s. Just wait till your old like me, at 67 it would be easer to ask what I don’t have. However i’m still going to keep trying . 😎

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