she dumped me about 2 months ago, a month later she texts me asking how im doing etc and how the movie i went to see was with my friend (she was supposed to go too)

few days later i asked if she had wanted to meet up sometime, she said she needs time first to get used to being friends again ????
i told her we cant be friends when she dumped me but whatever i was like cool
and figured we would never talk again

couple days later my best friend was like bro can i just kick her from the discord since she doesnt use it and her name is just always poppin up, its annoying to see (its our channel we started) i said no dont. the channel is my best friend her and her friend (who barely uses channel too) along with random people lol

few days later i was just like screw it and kicked her from our discord. i kept thinking about her and then seeing her name was making it worse yk?

now, almost a month later (today) she texts me on discord and asks if i kicked her from the channel. i said yes, i didnt think we were ever going to talk again, you dont use the channel and seeing your name was just a constant reminder of everything but that i will invite her back and its no big deal

she starts blowing up and telling me that she told me she would play a game with me and my friend soon, that she used the server to talk to my best friend, her friend etc. and not sure why seeing her name was a problem because she thought we left things off on a good note. and that we were still friends so i still see her stuff in discord.

i told her (as she knows) that i dont have notis on and only use discord for my channel to talk to my best friend.

i gave her the invite said lmk if it works and then she repeats again and demands an apology lol.
i havent answered and 2 hours later she says she still doesnt understand why i kicked her and if it was such a problem i shouldve just left etc.

just to clarify, this is my bestfriend and i’s channel, she was invited.

my best friend says i should just ignore her that shes not worth my time and anger etc.
i feel that i should say something but idk if i should and what i should say.

tldr; ex gf blowing my crap up because i kicked her from a discord channel a month ago and she just realized now. not sure if i should respond.

  1. Cut her off. Anytime you end a committed relationship, you have to distance yourself so the feelings can be processed and you can prepare yourself to look for someone else. It would have been polite to let her know ahead of time, but there is no obligation. She needs to give you space in all aspects of your life so you can get used to her not being in it in a romantic way.

  2. She’s gaslighting you and trying to maintain influence. Cut her off, move on.

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