I’m on a phone so I’m sorry for my English!

So I was on Discord with a friend while playing a game and then my mother (53F) called. I picked up and talked with her and return to the game.

At that moment, I remembered a joke I saw on those old AnimatedJames videos (remember those?) and I said that I can screw around with my friend. So after I hang up the phone, I said “stupid b*tch”. My friend lost his mind and he joking about how I shouldn’t call my mother like that even if I hate her (I don’t).

I know no one got harmed from this, but I feel a bit of guilt for calling my mother “b*tch” like I’m a kid feeling guilty of hiding something from their parents. I think the joke might have went too far. Like, should I not joke like this not even in private?


tl;dr: feeling uncertain about if my joke was harmless or not…

  1. Never say anything bad you dont mean because you never know when it gets leaked/overheard.

    Also good to try not to have thoughts you shouldnt have.

    Like offensive names for demographics. Shouldnt even think it because when thinking it gets comfortable you never know when it just slips out.

    Same premise

  2. I don’t see the joke. And that’s a pretty mean thing for you to say about your mum for no reason. It wasn’t harmless… your friend called you out on it. Your friend now has (justified) reason to think that you talk very rudely about people behind their back.

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