I had posted a couple days ago about a first date wanting to take me to a restaurant out of town 2.5 hours away.
Thanks to all the hilarious and well meaning comments, I had decided that it wasn’t going to be the best idea and was going to ask if we could keep it local.
I think he saw the post! 😂
That same night he said he had a terrible day and wasn’t going to be up for talking. So the next day I messaged good morning and he responded with GM ma’am.
*cringe* I hate being called Ma’am.
I politely ask not to be called Ma’am and was told I’m in the south now, so I need to get used to it. Excuse me?! I don’t think so.
Also, I moved from NC. When I pointed out NC is also part of “the south” and that I just don’t like to be called that please and thank you.
So apparently He’s not good with Geography? (Not even US geo tho?? A grown man??)
Is what his response was as well as he doesn’t think his mental health can handle a LDR even tho he was on board, loading up the passengers and driving the ship not but 48 hours prior.
Seems like y’all were right. He wanted to make a new skin suit and I dodged that bullet!
Thanks for the advice everyone!!!!!

  1. May I give you some additional advice? If/when you get called ma’am next time, take it easy, it’s just another term. I call girls I’m talking to “señorita” all the time. If one was passionate about not being called señorita I’d think you’re off your rocker (as they say in the south)

  2. I hope he sees this one and leaves us a fun comment. Glad you still have your own skin!

  3. Thank goodness you didn’t go! I’ve been worried that you might. He gave me the heebie jeebies.

  4. > take me to a restaurant out of town 2.5 hours away

    You had to be told that it was a bad idea?

  5. Could’ve been your loss. I work shit loads and don’t get much time to go out. So when I have time and someone who wants to do something I go all out cause it’s my free time to enjoy as well. I remember one weekend last winter. I took a random tinder match to a cabin I rented about 4 hours away from both of us. We skiied, rented snowmobiles, did a little snow shoeing, I cooked for her, we sat outside curled up by a bond fire and oh yeah had shitloads of really awesome sex. I was going whether she came or not.

    Some of us just want to have a good time 🤷‍♂️ couldn’t imagine the work it takes to make a skin suit… that doesn’t sound like fun.

  6. I’m a bit confused by the initial issue. You live 2 hours away from each other you said. Well that means one of you was going to be driving a good distance or you’d both be driving an hour to meet in the middle.

    It really wasn’t that unusual for him to want to go to a restaurant he was familiar with.

    Thats the kind of thing you’d have to deal with in a LDR.

    But it seems you did avoid a bad situation by his reaction to your suggestion.

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