Feeling awkward going to concerts with my parents, even though I love going with them. It’s just that I think other (young) people think it’s weird. Looking for tips to deal with these thoughts.



I (M20) really enjoy going to concerts, but don’t really have any friends to go with. The 1 friend I sometimes go with isn’t always available, so I end up going with my dad or both mom and dad. I really enjoy going with them as they are having a good time as well. We all really appreciate the music and experience.

However, I keep feeling kind of awkward going with them. The concerts we’re going to are mostly rock/alternative rock and that kind of stuff. There’s tons of young people there and I always feel like it’s weird going with my parents. ***I*** don’t think it’s weird; I actually enjoy specific concerts more with my parents than with friends, I just think other people think it’s weird. Weird isn’t exactly the right word though, but I think you know what I mean.

I know I shouldn’t and try my best not to worry about what other people think, but I can’t help it. I’m also terrified of going alone because of multiple reasons: public transport, allergy, handling unfamiliar situations etc… Besides that, I don’t even want to go alone.

I would really appreciate some tips/advice on dealing with these thoughts and feelings.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Go on your OWN . Start going somewhere small on your own. You can do it. You will be fine! Small steps and go on your own. Organise everything and once you are outside your house you will be fine as you will be busy going to the concert hall in the right way.
    I have bad anxiety like that I cannot go out of the house sometimes, but because it was a group I really liked, I did my best to fly to another country and see them on my own

  2. There will come a day when you wish your parents were still around to go to a concert with you.
    Fuck everyone else and enjoy it for what it is.
    You’ll have plenty of time to go without them in life.

  3. You’re lucky to have parents chill enough to do that sort of thing with.

    Who cares what other people think? It’s not like they know you and if they did you’re just chilling with your parents. Nothing weird about that.

  4. I don’t think it’s weird at all. I’m young and I’ve been to 3 concerts with my mom and one festival and it was soo nice. Nobody looked at me weird or anything and tbh I don’t care what they think. But I go to concerts a lot and I’ve seen MANY people with their parents there. Young people usually. One of my other friends also goes to concerts with her mom too. Trust me, most people are not even gonna pay attention to you.

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