I had a job in a supermarket warehouse for like 2 months before quitting (generally due to poor organisation by managers making it far more stressful than it should have been and not being allowed to leave until all work was finished for the day which due to the shitty organisation meant shifts constantly needing 3 hours of overtime)

Anyways I decided to quit when sitting on my break and just having a general ‘fuck this’ moment when faced with another 11 hour shift that should have been an 8 hour shift. I was heading out and one of the floor managers stopped me wondering why I had swiped out (I wanted the hours I had worked in the system so I got paid for them) I told him I was quitting and he rolled his eyes and said ‘come with me’ I did and he took me to another manager to tell him I was quitting in what I can only assume was an attempt to shame me?

I randomly think about that every so often and wonder why I went with him, I was literally walking out the door, I could have just turned around and said ‘no thanks’. I mean I was quitting, he had zero authority over me. I think it’s a fucked up conditioning that society drills into us to obey authority figures or people in higher up positions. Such a small nothing of a situation but to this day it nags at me.

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