If you were to go on a solo date every week, what day do you think is best?

  1. What the hell is a “solo date”? Not everything needs to be called a date, you mean just going out alone? Then it depends on where I’m going and what I’m doing.

  2. I feel like Tuesday would be most ideal. The weekends are usually too busy, Wednesday and beyond can be hectic too as most people try to prepare for a maybe relaxed weekend, and I feel like Monday is a lot of people’s catch-up day should they not have completed certain errands over the weekend. Tuesday feels like a day I’d have the world a little more to myself.

  3. Mid week so theres not as many people. Depending on what you’re doing it can be cheaper as well.

  4. That’s a tough one. I’m not sure about every week, but, the perfect day would be April 25th, because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.

  5. I go on Thursdays because it’s late night shopping – I like to people watch / judge while on a solo date.

  6. Monday-Thursday. Ideally those times are not too busy depending where you go. Major plus is that you don’t get “weekend” prices for some restaurants that have “weekend” menu from Friday-Sunday.

  7. Wednesday. I tend to have Thursday and Sunday off most consistently and I sure as fuck wouldn’t be rocking it alone on Saturday night. Crowds would ruin that for me. Reading a book at a bar on Wednesday evening should be a hobby I adopt.

  8. My Monday – set the week off with some self care and pampering? Sure! Give myself the ol “You got this!” Inspirational poster quote speeches, and work through what I want out of the week over a restaurant meal or wilderness hike – a day at the library or something.

  9. I go to a movie, solo, every Monday! It works best for me because I don’t have to work that day and my children are at school. I think it depends on an individual’s schedule.

  10. This can’t let others to define the days of the week, but also depends on your time, because everyone’s time is different, if you really want to say, I personally think Saturday night or Saturday is the best, because I like more lively.

  11. Depends on where I’m going or what I’m doing, though I always prefer Sunday because traffic isn’t that bad compared to other days.

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