What did you dream of last night?

  1. For a brief moment, I recall looking at multiple aquariums filled with different types of fish. A voice was heard behind me explaining that while the lives of these fish was short, ours was long. We will witness generations of these fish die, and then one of their generations will witness ours. Everyone dies, no one can avoid and no one can hide from it. What matters is what we do with the time we have and to accept this fate with grace.

    After that it was a fucking metaphorical mosh pit of going into this large mountain range of dirt piles where all the mountains were hollowed out and full of these weird things that I now can’t remember because I am now awake.

    Also something about Brian Griffin getting injured on a monster truck.

  2. Something about a bear mauling someone, having my own apartment and hiding from a traitor Astartes with a crossed out iron hands emblem on his pauldron. Wacky stuff

  3. We had to get the truck loaded to go out and survive against zonbies or right wing survivalists or something, I guess, but I couldn’t find my wallet and while I was looking for my wallet I met my friends watching telly and they wanted me to see their new baby, but the door to the garden was open and I couldn’t lock it because my kids were playing with the keys in the garden, but they’d lost them and we had to dig them up, but we had to do it quickly because we were on a building site and they would be filling in the foundations with concrete at any minute….

  4. A rolling ocean in a terrible storm. Crashing waves washing over my head as I struggle for breath. The peal of thunder under a darkened sky, and the burning hate for my damnable fate in it all. Then I woke up to take a piss and when I went back to sleep it was just peaceful blackness.

  5. I was in competition with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson at work, he was smashing it and I didn’t even have the right clothes on.

  6. I slept at someone else’s place and my whole family was there as well. Then in the morning I had to take a shit. It was a really big toilet, and as I was squeezing it out, my cousin kept coming in and out… and I was like I can’t concentrate like this. Then the poop was of a really weird stick consistency, had to use a lot of toilet paper to scoop it out.

    well, you asked for it…

  7. My dream was basically a terrible, half-written murder mystery:

    1. My best friend may (or may not) have been killed in an online-gaming conspiracy
    2. My goal was to (after finding her grave to confirm the murder) identify the murderer behind the conspiracy THEN
    3. Travel back in time to murder the murderer BEFORE the murder, thus saving my friend

    Note: Friend’s possible grave was located on the family burial grounds, but over half of the gravestones had the friend’s last name replaced with Thanatos

    I remember spending most of the dream wandering around the burial grounds wondering how this made any sense at all.

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