First for some context, I’m 29M and have never had a relationship or even been on a date. I have no friends currently, have never had a female friend in my life and have basically been living as as shut in since college. Things aren’t all bad though as I am doing fine professionally with a good job, but I work remotely so it’s easy to go long periods of time with no real human interaction. I recognize I should be seeing a therapist, but also that nothing in my life will change without eventually taking real action. I’m in no position right now to be thinking about a relationship, but I also feel like time is running out given that I have zero experience with women.

Would it be stupid to use a dating app just to get practice talking to women? I wouldn’t deceive anyone looking for relationships, but basically clearly advertise “I want to buy you a free meal”. Right now I just need to build some confidence and learn the stuff normal people learn in high school. It would be easier in a situation where I’m not trying to impress a girl and make her like me since I would know she has no real interest. The goal would be for this to help me feel more confident in the future if I ever feel ready for a real relationship after working on myself.

This seems like something girls would find creepy, but obviously a lot of people are on apps for casual relationships and I’ve seen plenty of posts saying people use apps for “free food” so part of me can’t see the harm in trying. Honestly my biggest fear is never taking a chance and living to regret it… part of me thinks I’m already too far gone. Or maybe I just really need to see a therapist.

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