I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about two years now. We met at college and we started dating a few months after we met, and while we don’t share a huge amount of common interests we’ve been trying out each other’s hobbies which at least for me has been a lot of fun. We’re both pretty laid back people and not particularly ambitious (we both have stable, relatively well-paid jobs, but neither of us are super career oriented and we’d rather spend time watching TV than working overtime for a promotion), and we barely ever argue. So in general I’d say the relationship is pretty healthy.

We are both each other’s first stable girl/boyfriend, she had never dated anyone before and I only dated very briefly during middle school.

The problem is, over the past few months I’ve begun asking myself if I would be equally as happy if I was in a relationship with any other random person, as long as that person loved me back. I know this sounds super weird but essentially I daydream if a random stranger, who might have completely different traits/hobbies, who looked completely different etc., replaced my girlfriend. Scary thing is I think I would be perfectly fine with it. My main question is, how do you know you actually love someone vs. you just want someone to spend time with?

TLDR: Not sure if I am actually in love with my GF or if I just want to be loved by (and love) someone (anyone)?

1 comment
  1. Yeah it’s time to move on. You are not the same person you were when you met and neither is she. You don’t need a reason if you’re not completely content. You are way too young to settle, even if it’s just a feeling. It’s ok, you both are young and will move on and hopefully have a bunch of relationships that teach you who you are and each time you become a better person. Good luck.

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