What are your pillars when talking to acquaintances that you don’t have much relation with and maybe convert them into friends?

  1. I assume u mean how. Try to start w smth u have in common or the weather as banal as that can be and work your way from there.

    This method works depending on the person. Most extroverts will usually say smth about their day or week that u can continue from there. For more introverted people that ur acquaintances w, youre likely gonna have to just ask questions out of the blue. If u really have nothing in common w the person (classes, jobs, gender related problems) on a superficial level then just ask questions: what show do you like? What are youre hobbies? Whats ur opinion on this?

    Preferably, don’t ask these questions mentioned back to back. U wanna expand more on each Q. For instance,

    what show are you watching?> whats it about?> do u like it?> why?> so would u say u like these (similar shows ur also interested in)?> …
    What show are you currently watching?> what was the last show u watched?> r u more of a movies person?> whats the last movie u watched?> Whats it about?> im looking forward to (some movie), what about u?>…

    And its during this processes u not only show that ur interested in the other person, but u can also see whether theyre interested into enough to respond with smth other than in generalities. Bc as unfortunate as it is, friendship is a two way street, the other person has to make some effort to wanna be friends. U can foster this by consistently interacting w them and saying hi to create a positive association of urself in their mind.

    Personally, I start a lot of convos w classes, tv shows, cooking, and apt life bc Im in college rn. I noticed experiencing hardship with someone helps to quickly foster a relationship, not that u should put urself in that situation, but if u are exp smth challenging in ur life or job w other ppl ud liked to know better then talking about it can help. That is, if they want to talk about it.

  2. Main idea is to ask questions to look for common ground

    Basically try to ask things that interest YOU because once you see that there’s a common ground, then you can SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS or ask more questions based on your particular interest for a more meaningful conversation.

    Important part is to SHARE what you have to say

    Conversation isn’t just about asking questions. Share your thoughts, whatever they may be so that you can have a more meaningful interaction, otherwise the interaction definitely will be one sided and you won’t make much of an impression

    The really hard part is talking to someone who you can’t find common ground with. I think this is where it helps if the other person is also curious/interested in you as well in order to have a conversation.

    Sometimes you’ll just be unable to connect with someone and that’s entirely okay. Take the L with grace and move on.

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