How often do you tell your girl friends you love them?

  1. Anytime we talk, whether it be on the phone, in person or in text. To any close friends!

  2. When we need it, mostly in really bad times or for super happy events. I only have one really good friend though, and we’ve been besties for 20+ years. She’s also a married lesbian so it might be weird for us to be saying that all the time lol

  3. My BFF/other half/sister from another mister- basically every time we talk.

    Other friends- less frequently but still fairly often.

  4. Every chance I get. I’ve never had friends as good as them and I’m so thankful. 💛

  5. My best friend, I tell her at the end of each time I talk to her. Other friends, I don’t know if I am that close enough to say it all the time. I will say it in passing conversation like, dang, I love you guys! But I don’t say it regularly.

  6. My less close friends everytime I see them. But my best friend of 20 some years like once a year on special occasions.

  7. All the time – especially this year as they’ve supported me through a huge trauma ❤️

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