What am I supposed to do with this information

  1. Seek advice on how to do it effectively.

    eg. someone better at taking pics, someone better at choosing which pics to post, someone better at having coached you on what to wear, how to pose, etc.

  2. What kind of photo? I usually swipe on photos where people are doing a hobby I like or showing something I’m interested in.

  3. Are you smiling in the photos? You want to look natural not posey! Keep trying. Lots of men are having trouble. There is someone for everyone! Positive attitude is magnetic!!

  4. Don’t use dating apps. As it seems like they are not helping.

    Ge out and try to meet people in person and try to also focus on improving yourself as a relationship won’t.

  5. No one can help you with out seeing your profile so if you are unwilling to share it delete this post because it is pointless and any advice you get will be very general.

  6. welcome to online dating as a guy in 2022. Honestly i would just delete the apps altogether if you ask me. Theyre horrible for your mental health and the (very very very very) few matches you will get wont be quality women. Meet women in person

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