I have come across a lovely girl that I would like to ask out. She have no idea of me but I fancy her alot. For the last months I cannot stop thinking of her so I have now decided to do something about it… But that is not the only problem in this scenario. She is a native english speaker and I am a foreigner that speaks at a B2-C1 level of english. So my level is OK but I am not able to joke in the same way or as confident which is quite important right?:) The other weird part about this scenario is that I don’t know where she lives, I only know where her mother lives and can’t connect on any socials. I think both but atleast her mother live in a city a couple of hours away from me so should I just knock on her mothers door? I don’t know if she is in a relationship but I can’t look anywhere it says “in relationship”. On top of all this, I am brand new to dating so any advice is welcome!

In the last month or so I am trying to improve myself with lifestyle, fitness, english and so on but my biggest question is, how should I do this?

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