Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I I’m honestly at a loss for what to do at this point.

To be 100% frank I did not treat this woman well. I wasn’t honest with her, I was rude, I was selfish, and I was the cause for a lot of problems in the relationship. I can definitely admit that and am trying to better myself so I won’t make the same mistakes again.

We dated for a little under 10 months and we broke up about 3 months ago (mid july). At first I was happy to finally be done with it because it was getting quite toxic (I was the major cause of it tbh) and I just wanted some space to be able to do what I want to do and be single and enjoy single life. Now 3 months and a few dates with other women later, I have basically no interest in anyone else and just miss this girl a ton and don’t know how to get her out of my head.

I’ve had breakups before with other women that I had strong feelings for but I was able to get over them relatively quickly but for some reason this one is different and I just can’t get over it and move on.

She was absolutely beautiful inside and out, she was fun, kind, funny, interesting, strong willed, and drop dead gorgeous (she more or less worked as a model). Looking back at it she was honestly very loving and affectionate in her own way, even though it took her a while to grt there. She was in no means perfect and had her own issues as well but I’m not exactly anything special anyway.

I could go on and on about how I messed up and probably blew a chance at real happiness but I’m curious if anyone has any advice for me or things I can try to get over this (aside from therapy as I’m already doing that). Thank you in advance.

Tl;dr: broke up with a girl 3 months ago and despite my best efforts I can’t get over her, what advice/methods do you have to help me get over a breakup?

  1. Once you cut contact, the biggest thing is time. Things that helped me: exercising, hobbies, spending time with family & friends. The hardest part is when you’re alone with your thoughts. Stay busy. You got this.

  2. Mate it’s been 7 months for me so far. And I still have the same feelings for her. It takes time. It’s gradually getting better for me, but it’ll take a long time for some.

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