Obviously all people are equal… but what weird things are there about being tall, like other’s perception? I’m 25M and 6’2″ always assumed people respected taller people more for some reason or saw tall people as more capable which is a weird psychology thing probably not even true. Saw a recent post about what the benefits of being short are. My thing is I’m pretty shy/ neurotic so I feel like being tall just brings more weird unwanted attention to me lol.

  1. I never understood the idea of “all people are equal.” Obviously, they aren’t. I wish someone would explain what that means.

  2. Probably less insecure about their height. Maybe get a slightly better view in life. That is about it.

  3. I feel like the perception depends on the person themself. I also have the same idea that tall people are perceived in general as more reliable and taken more seriously. But listening to others’ points of view, or noticing their behaviour, I get the feeling that it’s kind of in my head.

    The same thing can be said about voice tone: a deep but loud voice could be taken more seriously than a higher or lower voice. In a multicultural setting, accent is a thing too.

    Some people give credit to such things, and some do less.

  4. I’m 6’2 and broad shouldered. My psychology is pretty chill. I don’t feel threatened by anyone and no one ever directs negative attitude towards me. It’s nice lol

  5. When you’re usually the tallest person in the room obviously everybody looks up to you. If you have a girlfriend who is almost as tall as you then it becomes more obvious that everyone is looking at you .It’s how you carry yourself, like walking with confidence like you know where you’re going or what you’re doing. By the way I’m 6’3.

  6. I’m only six foot, but I remember going to some outdoor event and being surrounded by people way shorter than me. The guys had to be five nine max. Being a muscular guy, all I could think was that I’d be an unstoppable monster if some crowd vs me fight broke out. Of course I can’t really win against numbers like that, but the mentality was there. I was a man amongst children. I was Anakin Skywalker in a daycare.

  7. Speaking from a physical or athletic standpoint, I never saw an advantage to any size. Excluding very small and or what would be considered gigantic. I would say the potential for greater out put resides with those who have greater height weight, but that’s potential. Go on YouTube and see some amazingly gifted athletes of smaller stature do the impossible. Size is just a factor not an end all be all.

  8. Me giant. Me protect little people.

    But seriously, I have this unescapable sense of duty to watch out for and protect people smaller than me.

  9. Sometimes I think people unwarrantedly look to me as if I have authority, at work people doing deliveries etc will check with me(6’1″) even though the boss(5′”ish) is standing two meters away, same with some of the younger new hires. The boss is somewhat soft-spoken and I’m somewhat gruff, so maybe that plays into it too?

    I also get the feeling that people are somewhat wary of me in public at first, but that may just be my insecurities.

  10. 6’5” and I feel just the same as anyone else. I’ve actually had people be surprised when they walk up because I guess I don’t “present as being tall”. 🤷‍♂️

  11. I’m the second tallest in my group of friends ( same friends since kindergarten) and I don’t even notice it. Short people ( I almost married one) are terrifying, when I was a bouncer the only time anyone ever mopped the floor with me was a short guy, totally kicked my ass, you gotta watch out for the short ones.
    Tall people don’t notice that they are tall most of the time. I think the only difference for men is that women seem to prefer taller men.

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