What kinda thoughts did you have

  1. This is gonna sound so cheesy but I can’t stop thinking about this woman who helped me find a book at the bookstore. Poor thing had to still wear a mask but I knew she was smiling and we had a good back and forth and I frankly fell in love haha. It’s been a year since and I still find myself randomly thinking about her.

  2. Oh god yes, but only when I was younger.

    I used to have all kinds of crazy storybook thoughts. Used to listen to music and imagine us doing all sorts of things. Walking through the woods, going for drives (even before I could drive), all the ways I could impress her.

    Nothing beats that kind of romance when you’re younger. I’m confident I would have set myself on fire to impress the right girl.

    Actually, you’ve made me recall a memory of doing just that. There were two girls sitting on a bench when I was 13, and I thought it would hilarious to set myself on fire and go talk to them, because I figured they’d say “you’re on fire” and I’d say “I know thanks”. But they never said it. They just pointed at my shirt being on fire and I had to put it out.

    Good times.

  3. Obsessed? Not really but had fantasies of our future together? Sure. I was younger and confused love with lust. Now I’m older and realize I just wanna make out with her butthole

  4. Yes, and normally it’s how easily they made me laugh, or how genuine their own laughter feels. As for thoughts, well, everything from asking for their number to folding them like laundry.

  5. I went through a series depression phase in middle school and wouldn’t talk to anybody during that time…one of the few people I literally said a word to at all during middle school was this one girl in my math class and maybe it was because of my depression or maybe it was because I just hadn’t talked to a nice or friendly person in a long time…but yeah that was my cringy obsessive middle school crush…never even got the nerve to actually have a proper conversation with her all those years ago…As for what it was about her this is gonna sound even more cheesy than the comment Barrycuda4 posted but…I feel like it was her eyes…there was just something about her eyes…I’m not really sure what it was but I think it was hypnotic or something…yeesh now I’m having nostalgia just thinking about it

  6. I dont know about “obsessed” but I’m developing a crush on a customer I’ve met three times so far.

    Day we met she asked me about martin heidegger and was genuinely interested in what I was saying, after that I was done for.

  7. I bought a lava lamp from a young woman around my age off the Facebook marketplace. I could see from her profile picture that she had glasses, which already had me a bit steamy, but then as we were meeting up she was like “I’m in a pink dress,” and indeed, a pretty girl with big glasses and a little pink sundress greeted me.

    I made an effort to not be weird or creepy, but did chat and joke around a bit. She was with what looked like her sister and seemed to be on her way to do something, so I don’t think there was any way I was turning that around and getting her number or anything. I think she’ll ultimately remember it as a better interaction than if yet another guy in Toronto harassed her for her digits.

    But god damn. I just remember being weak-kneed and giddy as I walked home — this girl was so damn cute. Lava lamp aside, I still take care of the Wal-Mart tote bag she gave me to carry it in.

  8. There’ve been a few times.

    Mostly along the lines of “I wonder what she’s like as a person”

  9. A flight attendant that I would see at least 2 or 3 times a week. I worked at a airport at the times. She was beautiful and married. I would make small talk but nothing else.

  10. I was looking to buy juice for my vape so I headed to a vape shop called ECIG Canada.

    I was having a good day and was in good spirits, so as I opened the door my eyes were met with overwhelming joy as I looked at this beautiful girl with colourful hair. She was wearing a brown dress that showed off the figure of her body really well, but my eyes were stuck on the angelic, mysterious face and those deep mesmerizing eyes. My ears were greeted by her melodic voice saying “Hi there how can I help you?” as she smiled my mind away.

    I couldn’t stop this rush of excitement and joy from pushing me off my comfort zone, so I went forth making discreet comments about how beautiful she was, in other words I spilled on her the overflowing, warm cup of desire I felt for her – I had never been able to feel this way before with someone I had just met so I made my move to asking her for contact information. Surprised by how she had willingly responded to my request I left the store, added her a few minutes later and waited for her to talk to me first as to not appear desperate. I did not want to fuck it up – she messaged me. I remember when she messaged me after I added her a few hours later because I had to pull over to collect myself.

    It’s a long story but few years later and I still think of her so often

  11. Yes and it’s always about something sexually attractive about them (doesn’t have to be conventional beauty)

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