Is there ever a time you prefer to masturbate over having sex? Do you ever find yourself masturbating post sex or even masturbating and jumping right into sex post solo orgasm?

  1. I sometimes want to masturbate because it’s a different type of orgasm than I can have with sex. Not a better one just a different one. A lot of people masturbate after sex if they can’t climax from PIV. It’s not a big deal; get off however you can.

  2. Yes I need orgasms for pain relief and sometimes want just a quick orgasm here and there. I think it’s healthy to have a balance of both

  3. Sure, sex is work sometimes a lot of work having to worry about performance and satisfying your partners needs. Not to mention navigating busy work and family lives to find the time both of you are in the mood.

    Maaturbation is so easy in comparison.

  4. Sure… I’ve been with my current partner for almost 30 years now… Sometimes I wake her up and we have a go at it, sometimes I “do the laundry by hand” and let her sleep. Sometimes she’s sick, or having cramps, or doesn’t feel up to it. It’s just part of being in a long-term relationship, it’s not a big deal.


    For her, since I started working from home she’ll let me know that she’s in there doing her thing “in case I want to visit”. If I can’t because of work, it’s no big deal. When I can help, I come running across the house like a cat hearing a can opener because that’s some of our best spontaneous sex.

    My lunch hours are occasionally epic sex sessions with my wife. I admit, that I am reluctant to return to the office.

  5. I can bate anytime I want. When sex is offered or available I must seize the moment lol

  6. I always prefer sex, but maybe that’s just me. Sometimes I feel like it’s just me. Or maybe my partner sucks. Idk.

  7. Not intentionally. There’s been times where I’ve masturbated right before bed and my partner tried to have sex though. I’ve got a long refractory time, so I generally can’t cum again for a few hours after I’ve gotten off

  8. I’ve masturbated plenty of times over sex. Having said that though, we are usually together and it’s a mutual masturbation. The reasons could be we’ve already just had sex, we are too tired to commit to sex, I might just want an orgasm and cannot have one with sex, time constraints meaning sex would be too rushed.

  9. Sure, mostly whenever I can’t find a suitable partner. I’ve definitely had post-masturbation sex quite a few times as well, like when I was married. Usually it was because I didn’t know sex was going to be an option that night, but was still down.

  10. Sort of?

    Despite being married to a partner who’s pretty much always dtf, there are times when I don’t want to put in all the effort that sex involves. If I just want an orgasm, even if the option of sex is there, I might not have the energy to do a bunch of thrusting, changing positions, and making sure that my partner is enjoying themselves.

    On the other hand, if I want intimacy, touch, and a possible orgasm, then sex is easily the superior option.

  11. Yes! I have endometriosis and sometimes penetration hurts so bad I want to die. But if I use clit stimulation I can get some very good orgasms and no pain afterwards

  12. 30 yr old male. I had a gf I was living with for a short period of time that would immediately turn me off with her false sense of reality and she would create fights about how it made her feel. I got to a point where I would rather masturbate than have sex with her and not cause I was turned on, but because I’d rather just get rid of the erection and go about my day. I didn’t watch porn or think about anything in particular just wanted the morning wood or whatever it was to go away.

  13. Yes and often.

    Sex is great of course, but sometimes it’s just nice to chill on your own and just enjoy having some time with yourself.

    It relieves stress, mentally calming and a positive activity to get to liking yourself more.

    There is no pressure as you don’t have to think of the other person’s needs

    Some think of it as *wrong* or *forbidden* – I say it isn’t but that’s my opinion.

    Each to their own

  14. Jerking off doesnt require preparation, time, foreplay and aftercare. Sometimes women are too high maintenance for my mood

  15. Yes sometimes I just want to get off quickly. Sometimes my wife doesn’t want to go again and I do so yes I will masturbate and yes sometimes I will masturbate and want to have sex once finished.
    So I wouldn’t say I choose it over sex, I would say it all depends on what I am feeling at that time.

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