If you’re not having success with dating (I go on dates, often times multiple dates with the same girl, but then the girls always end up breaking things off with me, never lasts any longer than a month give or take) where do you draw the line between deciding your lack of success is simply due to it being a numbers game and remaining patient or acknowledging the possibility that your lack of success is because you’re lacking in a certain area and need to change if you want to find someone who will want to be with you?

I’ve been dating for 2 1/2 years now and have had no success, the usual story being what I explained in parentheses above. I’m 24(m), have a lot of good things going for me, I have cool interests and hobbies (I even managed to make my passion (videography) into a full time business), I take care of myself looks wise (a lot of people tell me I classify as above average looks wise), I’m an introvert and can be reserved but I also have no problem starting/holding/keeping an engaging conversation with anyone. I’m not really the best at flirting and don’t have that much sexual experience compared to the majority of people my age.

I always thought finding someone was something that happened naturally and as long as you stayed true to yourself, you would find someone who likes that “self”. But as time goes on and I continue to date girls who eventually want nothing to do with me, I can’t help but start to think there’s something wrong with me and that I need to change some things. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

\*Side note: Not sure if this holds any significance but all the girls I’ve met/dated were from dating apps

1 comment
  1. I don’t know you also never dated you so it’s hard to answer your question.

    It also could be the specific type of girls you choose to date? Really not sure .. 🤔

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