I know I’m not a looker by any means so would it be better to ask out people who I already talk to on a somewhat regular basis? I have no trouble starting conversations but 90% of the time I get rejected 9% of the time I get a yes then ghosted and pretty much 1% is actual dates. So would it be better if a girl knew me for a while before I asked her out so she knew everything I bring to the table aside from my fat face?

  1. No.

    That is simply the answer.

    You are looking to open doors by faking friendship then expecting her to suddenly change the way she see’s you. What you need to do is act more confidently within yourself when you make the approach in the first place. Dating is a numbers game, you just need to keep approaching and keep going, 99 “no’s” and one “yes” is still a yes. What you don’t need to do is waste a load of time on women who you hope you can change their mind. You can show strong personality and behaviour in the first 10/15 minutes of a conversation, you don’t need to buy more time.

  2. You should ask out people you have feelings for. You should ask out people you like, that you have a crush on, not just anyone that you think will say yes

  3. NO.. unless you want to be friend zoned …remember they are measure but how pretty they are. we are measure by our status ..

  4. Firstly

    Make yourself as attractive as you can. That means if there is anything you can possibly do, DO IT. Genioplasty, hair transplant, losing weight, whatever it is. Lastly, do not try to be her friend….you’ll just get friendzoned. People like to make it complicated. It’s not. If a girl wants to be more than friends, you’ll know pretty quick. If she is just your friend, and you pull a move, you would be acting “weird” to her.

  5. If she thinks that everyone else thinks you’re attractive she’ll assume you are too and go along with it. You ever read “The emperor’s new clothes”?

  6. >pretty much 1% is actual dates

    So you only need to ask out 100 women and you’re guaranteed 1 date? Sweet.

    A girl can pretty much figure out what you bring to the table with a 5 minute conversation. No need for her to get to ‘know’ you better. Why volunteer to be in the friendzone? I wouldn’t.

  7. No, literally that’s faking a friendship to get into someone’s pants. That’s really uncool, I understand if feelings change and you grow feelings for your friend but for that to be your intention when befriending them? Fucked up

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