I’m 19 now, and I haven’t actually had a “real relationship” in like 6 years. I want one of course, and meeting women Im interested in isn’t hard or anything, but it never ever pans out. It’s almost like they only want me for sexual things.

Is that weird?

  1. It is 100% normal to not be dating or have a “real relationship”

    If you want to be in a relationship, you’ll look for one, or they will come to you. It’s also normal not to just want someone sexually.

  2. Took me until junior year of college to get my first real “girlfriend”. Everyone moves at their own pace so yes you are perfectly normal:)

  3. Haven’t had a real relationship in 6 years? You can have a real relationship at 13? lmfao

    Either way, its not weird at all. Keep trying, you’ll find someone who will like you back.

  4. It’s not weird at all, I didn’t have my first relationship until 23. Do things at your own comfortable pace!

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