My ex (24F) and I (29M) broke up a bit over a year ago, always maintained contact and it was always known I wanted her back. My mother passed away a few months ago from cancer and it was pretty traumatic for me, and I was being a bit too much, emotional, needy etc. with her and she ends up saying we can’t be friends anymore. Shit on one side I get it we can all do whatever the heck we want but damn. Anyone have any advice? Not looking for anything specific just some feedback, it’s been a very rough past few months and just looking for some insight. Thank you all!! Much love.

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss, I hope you’re doing okay I can only imagine what you’re going through.

    Some people just can’t handle it when things get bad and those people aren’t worth your time. A true friend and someone who cares about you would be there for you at a time like this. If they’re not there to support you when things are bad then why should they be there when times are good? You have a pretty damn good reason to be needy and in need of support at the moment and to do that to you shows she isn’t actually a friend or a good person.

    Try to look on the plus side, she’s shown you her true colours and done you the favour of getting out of your life. I hope you have some true friends who can support you through this time. I’m sorry again I genuinely hope you’re doing okay

  2. Sorry to hear about your mom. Losing a parent is awful. I lost my dad in 2011 and I thought my heart would literally shatter in a million pieces.

    You should never have to apologize for grieving a great loss like your mom. Your ex does not seem to be someone who either has never lost someone close to understand or are not sympathetic to what you are going through.

    If you were trying to force communication with her when she did not want that then I can understand her decision.

    Either way you should focus on your own healing and grieving process. Try not to ignore your grief by focusing on other situations or relationships that are outside your control. You should be your focus.

    Grieving is tough BUT it is so important to go through to heal and be in a better place to meet someone else who will understand what you are going through.

    Sending healing vibes your way!

  3. I’m sorry you lost your mom. I can’t imagine how hurt you are and I hope time heals your wounds.

    Even if you kept contact, you and your ex broke up over a year ago. I don’t want to be rude but you are expecting too much from an ex. Some people are compassionate by nature and it seems like she’s not like that. I understand you want to get back together but you’re not back together and you’re still treating her like she’s your comfort person. It looks like she doesn’t feel as close to you as you feel anymore. Also she might be dating someone who got uncomfortable from you calling or texting her.

    I don’t think she’s right. If I were her, I would try to support my ex in such hard times. She could have told you she felt overwhelmed and asked for some space rather than cutting you off completely. But in the end, she made her choice and you should respect it and not contact her again.

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