Sometimes I feel like I don’t try anything new any more – looking for inspiration!

  1. I’ve started inviting people over to my place for dinner. The last 2 years of my life have been pretty shit, so this is a way I can force myself to eat better, be social, and make people happy at the same time.

  2. Surfing. Had a lesson at the start of the month and my next is on April 2nd can’t wait, absolutely loved it!

  3. In the words of Big Lenny: get yourself into a muscle building mode. Even if you don’t stick with it, it’s a good time to think and ponder other things you might want to try.

    I struggle with this too now that I default to gaming in my free time.

  4. 1.) Boxing – Got me into great shape. Thought previous back and joint pain was just me getting old, but now it’s gone and I feel like I have a brand new body. Best decision I’ve made for my health. I’ve never been much into sports of any kind but it’s very fun and rewarding.

    2.) Motorcycles – Probably not the best decision for my health, but I replaced my car. Gas mileage is great, and of course, cheaper. It’s fun to use, parking is a breeze, and maintaining it is inexpensive. Plus, I live in a city with great transit where I can have anything delivered, so I rarely miss having a car. And in the warmer months, it’s a blast to ride around.

  5. Had a fun family day out doing Archery. I was much better than I expected!
    Half thinking of taking it up as a hobby.

  6. Play DnD. It’s fun and requires me to see my nerdy ass friends once every week or so.

  7. Snowshoeing and kayaking. Not at the same time of course. 🙂

    I’ve been enjoying doing more frequent outdoor activity during the pandemic, so I figured something that made me want to get out more in the snow would be good. Hence the snowshoes.

    As for the kayak, there are lots of interesting places to explore in some nearby national and provincial parks (and some other places) that are hard to get to by land, so I tried renting a kayak last fall and I really liked it. I think I have picked out the kayak I want to buy, and I’m going to try sitting in it on Saturday to make sure I fit well.

  8. Shooting range. There is nothing like getting good with a 38 pistol at the range. While I cannot put a smiley face on a target like in the movies. It is something worth aiming at. Pun intended.

  9. I’m building a paludarium and will be stocking it with carnivorous plants, vampire crabs, and cherry shrimp.

  10. I’ve started going to the gym, eating right, drinking loads of water and getting to bed at a decent time.

    In just two weeks I feel the absolute strongest both physically and mentally that I ever have in my entire 38 year life, I’ve finally broken through the mental barrier of “I can’t do that it’s too hard”.

    I feel incredibly happy with myself for how I turned my lifestyle around (I used to smoke myself to sleep every dayand eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted).

    So I guess my “try something new” is I’ve tried a new way of life and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, so I hope you find your “something new” and make a positive change, good luck!

  11. Since the beginning of the year I have do e 10k+ steps everyday. It started a bit difficult but is easier everyday. I generally feel stronger happier and healthier.

  12. Scooter, bicycling, and OneWheel. The first two because of having kids, the last one because I have a tendency to enjoy things that could kill me.

  13. I’m about to start paramotor lessons. I’m already a paraglider pilot, so it’s not *entirely* new, but I’m looking forward to trying out a different mode of flying, with a motor strapped to my back.

  14. Drinking more water, taking time off when sick, eating better – I’m 40 this year so need to start looking after myself more and working less.

  15. I share a spliff with my wife’s who has arthritis once a week and it’s really fun

  16. oh kind of a variation on something, but i picked up my kindle

    i used to love reading but life got in the way

    kindle lets me pick it up so much easier

    i’m on a 1/4 year streak of reading every day or similar now

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