I (M21) have been doing this for years now. I go on one date with a girl and I’m instantly smitten with her. This happened a lot with hookups and, until today, I thought that it was biological and the sex was what made me fall in love. But, because I don’t learn any lessons, I hooked up with this girl in a town im never coming back to. And I think that even if we hadn’t had sex I’d still have fallen for her. I just can’t help it, but it feels like 9 out of 10 girls I get to know has something that makes her too special to forget. Maybe they’re an artist or they’re sharp as a tack or they’re passionate about one thing or another. If they’re objectively like an 8, they instantly become a 10. And then I’m fantasizing about leaving everything behind and starting a life with them and then I’m miserable until I meet someone knew. At which point I’m happy for a night and then im miserable again because I keep moving around. For the record, its not one sided. More often than not they fall for me too, and that just hurts worse because I know that there COULD be something there but circumstances make it impossible. What the hell is wrong with me? This is so fucked.

  1. This seems like a psychological issue of some sort.

    Definitely not normal attachment behavior.

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