Men,how do I teach my son to not hit women.

  1. You can start by modeling respectful behavior yourself and teaching your son about healthy relationships. You can also provide opportunities for him to practice respectful behavior, such as through role-playing exercises. Finally, you can talk to him about why it is important to not hit women and help him to understand what constitutes as hitting (including slapping, pushing, etc.).

  2. Your son will mimic your behavior. Just demonstrate respectful actions and he will follow

  3. Show him by example that violence is rarely a valid tool.

    Then, why shouldn’t he hit a woman? If the provocation is the same, then whether the provocateur is man or woman, the result shouldn’t be significantly different.

    He shouldn’t be hitting anyone, unless he has to or is in a match where both parties agree on the terms.

  4. “Don’t hit women.”

    Also, teach him this trick: The most effective things you can do to a woman is laugh at her and walk away.

  5. Start at a early age. Explain to him that its basicly a death sentence in court and that no one will ever believe if he defends himself.

  6. Well, ignoring the fact that this is ***needlessly gendered***:

    Step one: is to ***never*** hit your son. “Corporal punishment” just teaches your kid that physical violence is a good way to get your way.

    Step two: Teach bodily autonomy and self-respect. If your kid understands that people aren’t allowed to touch him in any way that he hasn’t already given permission to do, then it is easier for him to extend that reasoning to others.

    Step three: model healthy relationships with others. Do not yell at people, throw things, hit others, or just generally allow your anger to control you.

    Step four: teach your child mindfulness practices so that they understand how their own mind responds to stimuli and can control it.

    Step five: teach your child the basic concepts of self defense. He should know when it ***is*** appropriate to defend himself against attackers, including women.

  7. Teach him to respect others but also stand up for himself. Not always but much of the time abusive behavior is learned from the parents, so if you’re not abusive then you shouldn’t have much to worry about there.

  8. Highly recommend the documentary “the mask you live in”. Discusses masculinity and healthy emotions among boys and men.

  9. Start by not trying to teach him women get special treatment, that breeds resentment and might have the opposite effect

    Teach him to resolve issues without violence, and only strike in self defense

  10. Why women, in particular? You should teach him to never attack any person unless self defense requires him to do so. “Don’t hit women” doesn’t cut it in a world where men and women are supposed to be equal, and where violence should not be an option.

  11. by teaching him not to hit ANYONE. You should simply teach him that violence is not an acceptable behaviour. He should respect everyone and that have nothing to do with gender

  12. Bro It’s 2022 . Your son shouldn’t go around punching people unless they’re hitting him . So if a woman or girl hit him he has every right to hit back . Equality HELL YEAH 😎

  13. Set an example by not hitting his mother or the other women in his life. An overwhelming number of men that hit women (and women that hit men) saw it firsthand as they were growing up.

    Teach him to be string and masculine but controlled in his interactions with people of both sexes. There are times when he is going to need to hit people, let him know that it’s only appropriate in self defense or in the defense of others, and then when you can’t diffuse or exit the situation.

  14. I’m honestly really surprised by most of the answers on here being so hostile to the question. I think the right path to chart is kind of the middle path. I think you can talk about how dangerous men can be/ have been to women without treating women as totally different from men like some of the commenters are worried about. I think you start with never hit anybody, but pointing out the gaps between men and women in societal position, conditioning and size and work that in.

    Edit: Grammar

  15. Teach him not to hit *anyone*. Model admitting when you’re wrong, apologizing, and processing your feelings with words. Try to use positive reinforcement instead of punishment. Tell him you’re proud of him.

  16. What everyone here is saying. In addition, make it a point to talk about any violence that he sees. Because “never hit anyone” is a simple message, but naïve in the context of real world situations.

  17. OP, sincere question: why do you think he would need to be taught to not hit women? How old is he?

  18. Agree with others suggesting to enroll him in martial arts to teach him to contain his energy and When hitting for self defense is okay.

  19. We have no context. Is this a 3 year old who swings his arms while throwing a temper tantrum or a 14 year old punching his girlfriend? Huge difference and very different answers.

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