Men who share a bank account with their wives / S.O. , Why ???

  1. My ex and I had one we shared that 30%of our individual incomes went into. The rest we kept. The shared account was for rent and emergency expenses. It was a good system.

  2. You can have an account where both have a % of their income automatically transferred, it is an easier system to trust finances are clear

  3. Because I got sick and tired of the *Baaaaaaaabe can I borrow $50* knowing full well I’d never see that again

  4. Because it worked for us. We haven’t had a single argument about money since we’ve been married. All our money is in 1 place, we both see where it all goes, we both follow the budget, easy peasy.

  5. We are a family, it just makes sense and is simple. If I can’t trust my wife with money I sure as shit wouldn’t have had kids with her (or even gotten married)

    We’ve shared a bank account before we even got married.

    We have no division of anything with money, everything gets pooled together.

  6. We have a joint account that we put money in for bills, groceries and other things. We have our own individual checking and savings account.

  7. You make it sound like a joint account is an unusual thing.

    We both have personal accounts, and share a joint account for everything house hold related.

  8. I trusted her to raise my children. Why wouldn’t I trust her with my bank account?

  9. Heck, I share a joint account with my ex wife, for shared child expenses. It’s far easier and faster than something like Venmo, and makes it easier to record the history of transactions. Set rules/expectations are key; but you don’t have to be in a committed relationship hold a joint account.

  10. Because it’s the best plan for a married couple. You joined your lives together. So join the finance.

  11. My wife and I have a shared account and we also have our personal accounts. Shared account is for money and expenses we agreed we’d share (e.g. children, food, mortgage), so we put the agreed upon money there first. Personal ones are for each of us to spend however we see fit no questions asked (luxuries, subscriptions, etc).

  12. I always shared a bank account with my ex-husband. It was our money and we were a team. At least for as long as it lasted. When things ended having everything it one pile actually seemed to make the divorce easier. Houses and kids are the hard part not the bank account. Of course, the divorce still took forever anyway and the lawyers got paid. That’s how it works. My ex and I still have a joint account for kid expenses a decade later.

  13. I’m not sure when this changed, but this used to be the norm. Pretty much all married couples opened a joint checking account. All the paychecks go into it, bills are paid from it. And these days my wife and I have the app on our phone so we can keep track of the balance. It’s never a problem.

  14. So we are married and to me it is a trust thing. She originally wanted separate accounts because she is more frugal but she is now much happier with this arrangement as we can easily see our entire financial picture.

  15. huh?? because the money belongs to both of us? and if something would happen to one of us, the other should be able to use it that very same moment, not wait around for courts and lawyers and wills?

  16. Why not? Our joint expenses are more than our separate ones. We both deposit the same amount into a joint account and have our own fun money on the side. So convenient.

  17. I trust her with raising the kids, making medical decisions, legal decisions, and literally my own life.

    It would be weird as fuck to trust her with literally every aspect of my life, but then have to ask her for the rent check every month.

  18. I’m a stay at home dad so I don’t have any income right now. It’s not so much we share a bank account rather I have access to her bank account.

  19. We have an offset account on the mortgage, so all the money in that account is reducing the amount of interest to repay on the mortgage. Also we both know what each other buys and trust each other not to waste money, if were going to buy something expensive we talk about it first. It’s never once even been close to an argument, now if we had seperate accounts it probably would get to an argument as we’d be constantly trying to work out who pays for what

  20. Because when you’re married… saving, salary, bills and spending becomes equal. If it doesn’t become equal, one person has leverage. One person having leverage creates resentment. In study after study, after study the person on the short end of the stick when it comes to financial balance, cheats in many cases. They subconsciously cheat to balance out the unequal balance of financial power and in most cases, it’s men more than women who will cheat if there’s that imbalance of financial power.

    Before I get fucking dragged for this by those who are going to be quick to jump on my shit and say “I MAKE MORE THAN MY WIFE OR HUSBAND AND HAVE MY OWN CHECKING ACCOUNT, AND THEY WOULD NEVER CHEAT….Know that I didn’t say everyone. I just gave stats and said…in many cases….not all.

    But if your SO is on the short end of the stick financially and there’s an imbalance of money and they seem distant and you don’t know why, there ya go! They’re probably fucking someone else.

    Make it equal for fucks sake! YOU’RE MARRIED! If you don’t trust them with money…why did you marry them?

  21. Why not? If I wouldn’t trust her with money why would I have married her in the first place?

  22. We have a joint account that we budget for all our shared expenses as well as individual accounts for personal expenses.

  23. Made things easy when I was married.

    We put 2/3rds of each paycheck into a joint account via direct deposit, and used that account to pay all the bills, invest, and save up for long-term goals (vacations, kitchen remodel, etc)

    We kept the remaining 1/3rd in our personal accounts to use as our own spending money

  24. The real question is, what reasons are there NOT to that don’t involve selfishness and lack of trust?

  25. Why not? She is my wife.

    Now we also each have our own accounts as well. But bills and what not get paid out of the joint account.

    I will add that with my first wife we only had the one joint account. And she screwed me big time! My now wife understands this point and this is why we also have our own accounts. But we do not hide anything from each other. WE will both share the info if requested.

  26. We share a home, we share the expenses of that home. We have similar spending philosophies, we have good jobs where we live comfortably. It just makes sense. Why would you not at least have a joint account you both contribute to for bills, etc.?

    My in-laws do not, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how they function as a couple. It seems like they make things 100x harder than they have to be.

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