Hello people of Reddit,

I have a couple of issues and I need some enlightenment. When my hubby plays with my nipples or suck on them I don’t feel a damn thing. I feel indifferent and I don’t even feel them being sucked on. I have always read that nipples are sensitive areas and make ppl aroused but it doesn’t do it for me. I’m on birth control and my breast have been tender to the touch (in a bad way) and I don’t know if that is something to worry about.

Also my libido has been really low, almost nonexistent. When he approaches me in bed it feels like a chore, im never in the mood to do anything. I feel overwhelmed like there’s so much on my plate. I don’t know what to do.

  1. I’m not sure, but as far as i know based on previous posts similar to yours, that birth control pills can be the cause of libido.

  2. I’m sorry you’re going through this. If your libido wasn’t always this low, I suggest you see your doctor. They might get you on a different pill or explore other contraception options.

    Stress could be adding to that too. So figure out a way to minimise and release it. Long bath, exercise, a consistent sleep schedule…

    Good luck!

  3. Is he making an effort to take things off your plate & make your life easier? Is he helping you with the chores & cooking? Is he helping with the kids if you have any? Is he a good emotional support for you, does he spend quality time with you?

    Or is he doing none of that & then expecting you to submit to one other chore at the end of the day? If it’s the latter, than you probably have your answer.

    Edit: have you expressed that you feel like it’s a chore? Does he just expect you to grin & bare it?

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