One of my closest friends from middle school and I started dating when we were in high school. He ended up moving after freshman year and we remained friends and talked via video chat chat for years and years, but then lost touch. Now, he won’t respond to me at all. It’s weird because he’s still close with one of my close friends and I know they still chat sometimes.

Would there be a reason that he wouldn’t want anything to do with me anymore? It’s not like anything happened or there was a fallout, and we’re now 11 years out from dating so I don’t think he’d have an issue talking to me while dating someone else.

It doesn’t really matter, but I do just miss talking to him and it would be nice to catch up, so it makes me sad that it’s like this

  1. >Would there be a reason that he wouldn’t want anything to do with me anymore?

    Maybe concluded he wasn’t getting much if anything out of contact with you.

  2. 11 years? I think he did what most people do in over a decade. They move on with their lives. It’s incredible how much people change in half that time.

    If the only medium of communication between you was video chat, and not hanging out in person, I think you should leave him be. Make new friends.

  3. Honestly, it could be a bunch of different factors.

    Maybe he has just moved on and changed, and isn’t interested in maintaining the friendship.

    Maybe he is seeing someone who has communicated to him their discomfort with your friendship and familiarity given your history?

    Maybe he was maintaining the friendship with anterior motives, and when he realized things wouldn’t ever work out, he let things go and moved on.

    Maybe he felt that the relationship was more work than he felt it was worth and took up time he would rather spend elsewhere.

    You don’t know, and odds are you never will. Let it go. If you want to, you could mention it in passing to a mutual friend and ask if they know how he is doing, as you haven’t heard from him. Beyond that, there isn’t much you really can or should do if he is ignoring your attempts to reach out. So just go on with your life. Let it go and move on.

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