I’m posting from a throwaway account so my gf doesn’t see this post. Anyways, she regularly performs oral on me (I’m a guy) and she has no issues doing that whatsoever. The problem I’m having is that whenever I try to perform oral on her, I start to gag. I’m pretty certain it’s a mix between a texture thing and the salty taste but I’m not sure. It definitely ruins the moment and I try to comfort her and tell her that it’s nothing about her that’s making me gag and that it’s a texture thing but I feel so horrible about not being able to reciprocate oral. Is there any tips or advice on how I can overcome this challenge because I really do want to perform oral on her but I gag every time? Anything is greatly appreciated

  1. What about some flavored lube? I realize you don’t need lube for oral on a female but it could mask the taste.

  2. even if it sounds strange, have you tried to give her oral after she comes out of the shower? And before doing anything else?

  3. Maybe you could use a clit sucker on her and finger her at the same time as a form of foreplay for her? She gets to feel amazing and you don’t have to go down on her. Win-win

  4. Like drinking Scotch whiskey it is an acquired taste. Once you get beyond your initial hesitation there is nothing better than eating pussy

  5. Have you ever gone down on a person before? And if so did the same thing happen? If you have and you didn’t gag and you do with current lady than it could be a ph thing or some diet specific thing causing that taste in your mouth.

  6. Showering prior to oral is pretty common so I’m surprised she hasn’t done this already. How often does she shower? I have also never heard of vagina tasting salty before this…is it normally salty?

  7. So, im just wondering why you don’t just strictly stick to sucking and licking her clit and use your finger for her vagina? You don’t have to stick your tongue in there, you don’t have to lick it. I feel most pleasure in oral comes from working on the clit anyway. You could lick around her hole to avoid juices in your mouth and more work on her big lips and clit and use your finger for the rest? It’s not ideal maybe but perhaps it’s a good step for more?


    I would really hate it if you broke this girl’s confidence up to the point she doesn’t want to receive at all. Even though you clearly want to make it work, which I respect too.

  8. I forgot what they’re called but there are some like…dissolving strips in different flavours, you put them on your tongue before oral and they mask the taste. Diet changes might help too, my partner has the same problem (kind of) so I try to drink more water, take fenugreek and bromelain pills, and it seems to help. I haven’t tried the flavoured strips yet, but from what I hear they’re good.

  9. My husband and I both shower before anything sexual happens.

    I absolutely hate germs and he knows I won’t go down on him if he hasn’t showered before hand and I certainly wouldn’t let him go down on my if I hadn’t.

    You guys need to communicate and make it your problem and not hers..

    Say you don’t like the taste but that’s your personal preference and maybe you could both try showering beforehand?

  10. The main disagreeable taste/smell associated with genitals (male & female) is ammonia, that comes from decomposing urine. Ammonia washes away easily with soap and water on the vulva. If you don’t know what ammonia smells like, simply avoid washing your dick with soap for 2 days, then swab it with a finger. The smell is very noticeable.

    So, assuming that she has healthy and clean genitalia, there is a natural odor, that varies from one woman to the next and also depends on what she’s been eating, hormones, etc. Most men find the odor pleasant, but that’s not an obligation.

    If it really is her natural odor that makes you gag, either it’s something that you can progressively get used to, or you will both need to find some other way to stimulate her outside of PIV. My main suggestion is fingers, possibly supplemented with a vibrating toy. Don’t hesitate to add lube as needed !

  11. Ok I know the perfect thing. There is a website called Femallay. They make these flavored suppositories (little wax things that you put in your vagina) that melt and release flavor. They have all kinds of flavors and they are pretty cheap. I’ve used them before and my ex loved them. Just look up Femallay and the website will pop right up! My advice about not making her feel self conscious is to say you seen an ad or something for these things and it would be fun to try. I found them on tik tok😂😂.

  12. Hello, I literally wrote the same thing here 4 days ago.
    We would be a great match. /s
    An interesting suggestion that i got on my post is using flavoured lubricant, hope that’s something for you to consider. I would go further with maybe nutella or something fun that tastes good in general for you?

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