I know most people feel like they didn’t save enough early on, before kids, etc. But does anyone feel like they focused too much on the future and should have enjoyed the present more? How would you change your spending habits if you could go back?

  1. Yes. I never took my (now ex) gf on dates, abhorred spending money on experiences, wore pants with holes in them

    At 26, I had $110k in personal investments, with about $5k in savings

    I’d throw it all away to have my ex back and to have not been so cheap on spending on her

  2. Not really. I kept myself in check by basically refusing to ever carry any credit card debt and made sure I was setup to invest automatically and never see that money. In retrospect, I wish I had spent a little more money on travel, but I would splurge and I’m happy for the memories that were created from them.

    Definitely save, but live your life too. But prioritize experiences and travel and things like that, not tying yourself down with shit like luxury cars or pricy apartments; you will normalize to those things in no time and have less budget for the things that could generate lifelong memories.

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