Five of us did a 10km coast path walk, ending at the bus station, where we waited for a bus back to the starting point. We just missed the bus we needed, so sat down on a bench, directly beside the bus bay (maybe 6 feet away) waiting for the next one.

there were two adults who were ‘waiting at the stop’ looking at the timetable

as time went past, more people turned up, and waited behind the people already at the stop

when the bus arrived, our group walked up to be behind the couple who were already there and were accused of queue jumping. One guy even threatened to physically ‘put us at the back where we belonged’ —- in the end we kept our (2nd place in the queue), and everyone got on and – apart from loud grumblings from ‘physical guy’ for the entirety of the journey – nothing else occurred.

but it got me wondering, who would you say, was in the right?


***{edit – closing question. Thanks to everyone who replied, whether you agreed with me or disagreed, I gave you a thumbs up…. I still think that the bench, provided by the bus station, was close enough to the stop to be obvious that this was part of a ‘virtual queue’… people dont Normally walk into a bus station and sit right beside a bus stop, just for a rest***

***But I respect that others disagree and maybe it would have been better to make our intentions clearer as other people rocked up to the stop}***

  1. No one was in the right because it didn’t really matter and wasn’t worth arguing over.

  2. So the people waiting at the bus stop were all standing and you were sitting down away from the stop?

  3. You were wrong, the queue forms when the bus arrives. Not before. It seems silly of you to try to jump the line once it forms. It’s also not worth arguing about.

    Even if the line forms before, you weren’t in it. Silly pointless avoidable confrontation.

    They were wrong too though. This was an absurd thing to make a fuss over let alone threatening assault.

    Idiots abound.

  4. Bit of both really. If you’re not in the queue, you’re not in it, but given that everyone arriving afterwards would have see you already there, I’d expect a bit of leeway.

  5. Everyone knows it’s etiquette to take a mental note of who was there before them, physically queuing in line shouldn’t make a difference…same way at the pub sane people know how it’s their turn to be served

  6. The two adults were clearly first. Then you were at the stop; the next person to arrive should have acknowledged you. If they then queued, when the bus came they should have done the ‘You were here first’ dance, and ceded to you. As they were the senior queuer, everyone behind them should appreciate the sense of fair play. Without that ‘you were here first’ conversation with a senior queuer though, you would look like queue jumpers, so good for the guy who challenged you to play nicely.

  7. Every time I’ve sat a stop, once people start physically queueing, I get up and join. I’m sorry you were tired, but that’s always how I’ve done it. Except elderly people, they get a pass. But often they tell me what their intentions are.

  8. It obviously wasn’t clear that you were queuing, or you missed a previous bus. I think I know the kind of setup you are describing though, the bus station here has a few seats to the side of where people queue. It is quite normal for those sat to filter into the queue without accusations of cheating.

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