My(17 M) gf(17 F) had a crush on someone on the start of our relationship, which made me lose some trust in her but brushed it off since she told me about it and didn’t really affected our relationship. But recently, she had another crush on someone, and it got worse to the point she would ignore me to stalk her crush and, i feel guilty for this but red her friend group where she was simping so much over her crush, and it made me feel absolutely dejected. But after a while, she came to me and told me about those and i forgave her and gave her another chance. Should I have not done it?

TLDR: My gf had another crush and i gave her another chance, should i have not done it?

  1. Go with the flow my brother, but ain’t not fly worth chasing, attract with honey and funny my brother

  2. You’re 17 and your GF regularly abandons you to chase other dudes. Gain some self respect and find someone who doesn’t hurt you.

  3. My man. My *man.*

    Your name wouldn’t happen to be Matt, would it? As in Door Matt?

    Don’t be someone’s back up plan. She is looking out for other dudes while keeping you as a safety option. Don’t be that guy.

    Throw this one back, my man. She aint ready.

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