Hello fellow gentlemen,

My wife is scheduled to be induced this week with our first child. Woohoo! We are over the moon excited.

I would like to get her a special gift for her first Mother’s Day, but not sure what to get. I’m not generally good with gifts. Any advice appreciated. Budget can be pretty flexible but prefer to be in the $50-500 range.

thanks for any ideas or suggestions!

  1. gift bag with lube, condoms, and birth control pills so you two don’t make the same mistake again 😂

  2. If you have a big tub, you could get her some good bath salts/bath bombs, fancy soaps, and a high quality spa towel.

    She still may be going thru a good bit of pain, these things can help and provide a really nice soft sensory experience that she will be deprived of.

    Also, anything to help her sleep.

  3. I’m betting that if you ask this over in r/askwomen, you’ll be inundated with good ideas.

    I know this isn’t going to sound romantic, but maybe an upscale hotel suite just for herself and all of the room service her heart desires. Probably not the way she envisions her first Mother’s day, but it’s going to be a rarity that she gets that treat.

    Otherwise, my advice is to ask her. Sorry, that’s always been my “Go To”. I’ve always been horrible with gifts.

  4. A mother’s Ring, or necklace. Something to not only mark the day as special, yet long lasting. Congrats.

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