What mistakes do you see many others make that piss you off?

  1. **Spend now, worry later.**

    Income and expenditure management is simple addition and subtraction, yet many people continue to fail at it. Even some highly intelligent STEM majors struggle with this basic math. I hate seeing people dig themselves into a pit of financial despair, but they can’t seem to stop doing it.

  2. That you answer something, they read who knows what, then make a story in their head… and give you heat on what they thought you said.

  3. Merging on the highway going below the speed limit. Those people are all morons as far as im concerned. You dont have the right of way, speed the fuck up.

  4. People who are thrilled to be offended on behalf of someone else.

    If you are speaking up for someone, its important to know if who you are speaking up for actually is offended.

  5. People at ticket gates at train stations. If they have an e ticket they wave their phone all over the place despite the sign that clearly points out the qr code scanner. Or if you have a paper ticket you wave the ticket around the place instead, despite the obvious slot to put the ticket in.

  6. When a just a few people at work are slacking but comments are made in a staff meeting that should be directed at them specifically. That can be really demoralizing.

  7. Walking down stairs with hands in their pockets.

    Getting married/having kids before they are financially sound.

  8. I have several women who are friends who constantly tell me about how gross and rude and mean so many men are on dating apps. Being overly sexual, or gross and too soon with it. Being pushy. Negging. And JFC they cannot take rejection without being assholes. I really wish they would improve.

  9. Aggressive drivers. Dude, if you want to fuck up your life, fine, but leave everyone else out of it.

  10. People that don’t drive like normal human beings.

    I drive a truck. I leave that big ass gap because that’s what I need to stop. Stop trying to squeeze into that gap……. If I’m trying to pass someone I’m not gonna be able to do it quickly as you four wheelers would so just chill we’ll all get there eventually. You getting up my ass isn’t gonna help. And for fucks sake stop parking in my damn loading zone. I shouldn’t have to ask half of wawa if their work truck is parked in the loading zone because they were too lazy to be a decent human being. And stop pulling out of me so late. Getting stuck behind a truck isn’t the end of the world I promise.

  11. That you havd one of the most technological advancements in human history in the palm of your hand but you still need me to help fix your printer.

  12. Not taking ownership of their own choices. A very good friend of mine believes he fell backwards into cheating on his girlfriend and he somehow was not responsible. He made bad choices *repeatedly* on his way to doing it, then made the SAME BAD CHOICES all over again WITH THE SAME WOMAN. But to hear him tell it it’s almost like he was a victim. Now he’s married to the woman he cheated with, is miserable with her because she’s controlling and distrustful, but can’t accept that he can CHOOSE to get out.

  13. Not thinking ahead. I saw a video of some lads setting a plastic sled on fire and sliding down a short set of stairs. What did they think would happen? Even drunk I don’t get the want to hurt yourself.

  14. Cruise control. It exists for a reason, please please *please* for the love of God use it while you are on the freeway, it is easier, more fuel efficient, and when everyone else uses it I am far less homicidal

  15. Shitty parking.

    Is it really that hard to put your car between the marked lines? Are you really so lacking in vehicle control that you can’t do this? Are you really such an imbecile that you can’t put a car more-or-less in the middle of the spot rather than 1 inch from the right side, even though the spot is so goddamned wide that you could fit a tow truck in there? WTF is wrong with these people?

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