Going on dates scare me because of awkward silences – is this a normal occurrence during dates ? How do you come up with things to say

  1. Awkward silences can occur if one or both parties are nervous, but they shouldn’t be filled with too much silence. When you’re going on a date with someone, it’s kind of like a friendly interview in a sense lol. You’re asking them how their day was, did anything exciting happen, where do they work, asking why did they choose that job. If they are currently in school, ask them what their major is and why they chose that major in particular. The more you go on dates, the easier it becomes. Sometimes you’re lucky enough where your date can engage the both of you.

    I’ve been on a date where I was doing most of the talking, just asking them how their day was, how is xyz, and the other person seemed kind of nervous the whole night. Unfortunately, we never went back out after that 😬. Just don’t think too much about it, and let the conversation flow naturally

  2. It’s a vicious cycle. You’re scared of going on dates because of awkward silences, when awkward silences happen, makes you more scared of going on dates.

    Natural breaks in conversation happen because you’re doing something. Taking a sip of coffee. Eating a bite of food. You can’t talk about the one topic forever. When you’re seguing into another topic, there’s a natural break there. It only becomes an “awkward” silence when you get nervous. Don’t let them see you sweat.

  3. For first dates I keep things light and fun. What are you reading, watching or listening to? Anything recently happen in your town or area? If this is difficult then I’d suggest having more conversations in non romantic settings until you’re comfortable with that.

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