I have not had sex with my boyfriend of 6 months because he refuses to use condoms. Everytime I ask him why he gives me a series of excuses like: they are uncomfortable and too tight, he doesn’t feel anything with them on, he lasts longer with condoms.etc

He usually gets angry everytime we discuss this subject and always tries to convince me to start birth control pills (like, have you seen the list of side effects, NO PLEASE)

So, I want to know how true his claims are or it’s just a hoax to have unprotected sex.

  1. Condoms do all the things, however if the choice was yes one or not have sex I would use one

  2. There are different sizes for condoms even vibrating ones if he can’t feel anything. End of the day it’s your body better to be safe than sorry

  3. There is absolutely no excuse for him not to wear a condom. There are so many sizes and styles available to address any of his complaints; he just needs to fucking grow up and figure it out. It’s absolutely his loss if he can’t get his shit together.

  4. i wouldn’t risk condomless sex with someone who gets angry about you’re reasonable reluctance to use birth control and desire to have protected sex. my opinion is to dump him if you can’t come to a reasonable agreement.

  5. I mean – his choices are

    1. No sex

    2. Sex with a condom

    If he feels sex with condoms are too tight/uncomfortable etc etc then he can chose to find condoms that feel ok.

    Or he can continue to not have sex

    His claims are BS OP. And I absolutely would be worried about him continuing to force this and get angry at you over it. This is his issue

  6. You shouldn’t have sex until you can agree on bc.
    There are other options besides bc pills
    and condoms.
    Have an honest discussion around all of them

  7. Sure, going bareback is nice, but so is remaining in control over family planning!
    Not to mention that in the bigger picture of these decisions, hormonal bc, abortion or pregnancy to term are all very consequential for *your* body, not his. He can go home with the ”It‘s uncomfortable!“

  8. Your bf is a man child. No condoms, no sex, no exceptions. Don’t let him bully you into giving this up, manipulative behaviors like this worry me because maybe he’s trying to trap you with a baby.

  9. Maybe offer up a vasectomy for him as they’re completely reversible – but of course do your research first

  10. If I were with a man who had the fucking nerve to get angry with me when I expressed my understandable reluctance at the idea of condomless sex, I would dump him immediately. You’re not dating a man, you’re dating a child OP.

  11. You should also check the list of side effects of Ibuprofein it is also long. It is used to help with headaches, but can cause them as well. Not all get any of them. You know only by trying. You could ask your mother or sister, that would get some backgrounds info.

    Condoms. I do not know if the issues are real or excuses he has heard. They are possible tough, there was nothing esoteric in your list. Also sex ed talks that one size condoms should fit everybody. Many men take this that if market sizes (53 or 57mm) are tight everything else is as well. (mr size has 47-72mm ones and a sizer tool).

    Practical suggestion: Put in FC2 or other female condom. A lot of lube in it, none outside it, do this before seeing him. They are good to be inserted hour or two before penis.

    Then ask him to test drive it. Not what he wants, but could be something he is willing to try.
    They do not dull sensation the way male ones do, but they can be unconfortable when not in just the right way.

    Hormonal IUDs have few side effects are incredebly safe and also help with periods. (they do not protect against STI:s tough.)

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