Especially on Reddit, India and Egypt (and sometimes Morocco) tend to be cited more often than other countries as being dangerous for women to travel in, even more so alone. However, a lot of people still express interest in then, despite the dangers, because of their history and culture. How would you personally feel if someone close to you was interested in traveling there?

  1. I’d tell them to have a good time. As long as they’re not going to a war zone then they probably don’t have much to worry about. These countries like tourism dollars and don’t want a reputation of being unsafe. Just because you’re going to the middle east or northern Africa doesn’t mean you’re in danger.

  2. As long as i don’t have to go there would be not argument from me, hopefully she did her research and if she did not, she’s the one to blame for it.

  3. I’d try to talk my wife out of it – although that would be pretty out of character for her.

    A cousin or friend, good luck and stick to the tourist traps.

  4. How many actual deaths or tourists being seriously injured in these countries? all the things I see people mention happen to them online have happened to me here in the uk. Hence why people continue to visit, it’s not as dangerous as people make it out to be

  5. I would say, “You do you”.

    I’m getting a vibe from this that it’s coming from a place of some young guy wanting to control the behavior of others. Don’t be that guy.

  6. Adults are entitled to make their own life choices, even if it’s not the choice I’d make for myself.

  7. I’m Egyptian so…

    Hmm I always recommend to my friends to visit Egypt but not to live there. Male or Female. Just poor state of country and the economy. But people there are super nice and friendly.

  8. I’d do the same thing I do anytime someone I care about is about to do something dangerous and stupid – try to talk them out of it. Depending on how close they were, I may even outright prevent it.

  9. I mean a lot of ladies don’t even feel 100% safe in their home countries. I totally understand the risk of danger being higher elsewhere, but it still isnt 0 wherever you reside currently. I would just advise caution and suggest maybe not traveling solo.

  10. huh? india? i think it would be patronizing as fuck to act like they were doing something dangerous and i was in a position to…tell them what? don’t go?

    y’all are absolutely tripping. do you think women don’t need to exercise the same basic cautions in the US?

    my female friends have been to india, egypt, morocco, colombia, etc. it never crossed my mind to be like “hey as a woman you should be careful.”

  11. I’d be incredulous and worried, but they live in the same society as I do – they know what’s up other places.

    I also have female friends who like to go backpacking alone. Humans get to risk their lives recreationally.

    Not my favorite, but not my problem. It’s like if I as a Black man decide to visit a plantation in Klan County, Mississippi to appreciate the history and culture.

    Dumb idea, but it’s my right to do it.

  12. You shouldn’t form your opinion and generalize a country based on reddit comments. India is not dangerous for tourists.

  13. I had two high school girls tell me they wanted to go on a trip to Sudan of all places and I did not hesitate to urgently advise them against it. I think they were thinking of volunteering, which is admirable, but they seemed completely unaware of the degree of unrest and dangers of the region. I’m pretty sure they just heard it was an impoverished African nation and thought well that’s where you go to help people right?

    Even though going as part of a humanitarian effort would probably come with extra security precautions, the thought of these two wide-eyed albeit well-meaning airheads wandering around Sudan would be comedic if it didn’t frighten me so much.

    Without some very specific connection or reason to visit the country, it’s not worth the risk. Especially when there are so many other safe places to go.

    There are hardened professionals that can be of great use to these regions anyways. Besides the risks these girls pose to themselves, they might even be a liability for the people who actually know what they’re doing.

    Even if it were a male friend, I would probably question their sanity.

    More generally though, especially with Egypt and India, it does depend on the conditions of their trip. Clearly, there are ways to stay safe in these countries especially if you travel with men, respect local customs and avoid shady areas but traveling alone or just with their girlfriends?

    It would definitely worry me, and I would voice those concerns very plainly.

  14. For anyone to solo travel to Egypt is a bit risky, the country just has a lot of issues and for women, well a country like that can even be dangereous, unfortunate reality that not everyone wants to be aware of. India and Morocco can be nice and safe, though location always matters

  15. If she were planning to travel alone, I’d advise caution, or to maybe join a tour group or something. But it really depends where in those countries she plans to go. I know women who have been to all of those places, and had an absolutely wonderful time.

  16. I’d have no sympathy if they were abused and if they were a SO i’d dump them for poor judgement

  17. If it’s a female friend – I don’t care. It’s her business to do what she wants, and I’m not going to be losing sleep over a woman who isn’t my woman, nor will I lose sleep over a woman who isn’t blood-related to me.

    But if it’s a girlfriend or a cousin or a sister.. yeah, how about no?

  18. I would say “Good fucking luck.” then remind me her that morals and laws are different in every country. She can go there but she shouldn’t whine about it if she gets SA’d or harassed. That’s just part of experiencing other cultures.

  19. I’ve never heard of any of my female friends having a bad time at one of these countries.

    In fact, my sister LOVES India.

  20. plenty of people do a gap year in india. simply put, they just have to be careful and go with other friends. it’s up to them to do their due diligence in staying safe. my mother went to vacation in Barcelona during the whole Catalonia independence thing, i was in egypt a month before the arab spring and in Athens during a riot.

    as a traveller you have to be smart and stay away from potential points of danger. i’d love to take a train to tibet and take a train through the gobi. i’m not gonna smear “fuck the ccp” on the wall of my obviously bugged room.

  21. An ex of mine wanted to go travelling abroad alone across Asia. I advised against it and said it would be too dangerous. I explained the cultural dangers, but she was an adult and made her own decisions to go. She worked hard, saved up, travelled cheaply around South Asia and met some good people. She was also raped.

  22. I am partly Egyptian. I lived there for a few years

    Do not go there.

    Egypt is usually cited as one of the most disappointing travel destinations in the world. Go over to r/travel if you want to hear some horror stories.

    I’ve told every woman I’m friends with or have ever dated never to go there and that I am never going to take them.

  23. “cool! Have fun”

    I’m a grown up and so are they. If it’s my SO I’d go with them

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