I mean the job activity itself, **not** things like coworkers, commute, environment, etc.

  1. I work in IT


    I can go literally days without ever actually doing any work, as long as nothing breaks I can be on the clock and just sit at home and do nothing while getting paid

    Least favorite?

    When something DOES finally break and it’s at like 3 AM and I have to rush into work to get it fixed, that sucks lol

  2. Favorite: simultaneous interpretation in the court
    Least favorite: giving feedback to my younger colleagues

  3. Best part has to be being introduced to foreign language and cultures and seeing the world prospectively and seeing how cultures are shaped and how much similarities humans hold I’m different regions.

    Cons have to be dealing with pocky clients and tight deadlines! (Also having people of no talent judge your work based on how money it makes even though when you put your heart into your work).

  4. I’m a deli attendant and my favourite part of the job is the flexibility it provides me. My schedules are easy to change and my hours are suited to what works best for me.

    My least favourite part however is handling boiled eggs. Most places do not boil their own eggs and instead order buckets of pre boiled, pre shelled eggs in a fart scented brine.

  5. Favorite: diverse work portfolio, never bored, good work-life balance and flexibility, interesting field and interesting people (met a good chunk of people who are famous in medical research!), money and benefits, prestige

    Least favorite: typical bureaucratic government slowness, pressure to maintain optics, all the meetings (so many meetings about meetings)

  6. I’m not a fan of how monotonous it is, but what I enjoy the most is the flexibility it gives me.

  7. Employee engagement – onboarding and training new staff.
    I also like the P.M.S (property management system) we use – it’s super user friendly.

    Edit: (forgot the least favorite) they’re constantly changing and updating the forms we use without giving us a chance to really adapt.

  8. Favorite: getting to write about/talk about topics that interest me for a living

    Least favorite: the “feast and famine” cycle of being a freelancer, and the harassment, including sexual harassment

  9. Favourite: some of the people.
    Least Favourite: some of the people.

    No, for real though. Money is my favourite part and waking up before the sun is my least favourite part.

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