Guys of Reddit: what would you teach your sons?

  1. To not be afraid to ask for help. Or to bring up topics that are considered “uncomfortable”

  2. Anything that they’re willing to ask me about that I have knowledge of. So first, I’d teach them how to ask for help and advice without fear of my anger or judgment. So anything from how to change a tire, to how to do your taxes, to which tequila doesn’t give hangovers, to where the clitoris is, it’s all on the table but for the asking.

  3. Don’t chase women, work on becoming a good, complete, man, the women will then come to you.

  4. Government isn’t your friend. They want you smart enough to work but dumb enough not to question the system.

  5. So much.
    Assume people do bad things out of ignorance rather than malice. Let the past make you better, not bitter. Focus on the lesson, not the mistake. Always be open to new information. It’s OK to be wrong. It’s OK to say no. It’s OK to ask for help. You’re not responsible for the happiness of others. “No means no” applies to everyone. Never assume you know the full story. What you enjoy should never be governed by others. Risk is always rewarded. Only you are responsible for your actions.
    And several more to come.

  6. I taught my sons the same things I taught my daughters. How to tie a variety of useful knots and how to make a decent pancake.

  7. If a woman sticks around when finances are tough, she’s a keeper and isn’t in it for the money.

  8. How to lose gracefully, how to learn from your losses and how to set your own success criteria.

    I grew up with two much older brothers and a family that enjoyed boardgames. I don’t just mean monopoly, I was playing games like Diplomacy and Avalon Hill bookcase games from about the age of 10yo. My brothers and I are the types of gamers who will go over every move in our heads for days afterwards. We’d be sitting watching TV and someone would say “Ya know, if I had made this move then I might have won” and we’d analyse the proposed move. I lost a lot but I learned a lot from those losses, like learning how to think strategically and analytically. I also learned to set more achievable goals. It was unlikely I’d win the next game but I could survive longer or lose by a closer margin.

  9. To be a simple man. My dad always played that song for me, and my brother. I am that to a tee. I work, and come home. I don’t have all the finer things. I live in a trailer drive a old car work my little “9-5” I’m pretty happy.

  10. That people will come and go, friends, best friends, brief companions, and lovers, but you’ve got to learn to love yourself because you only get one of you.

  11. I will teach him stuff while explaining in funny stories so he doesn’t forget them and remember them when needed, although ur child needs to experience some stuff. I’ll try to be the coolest and helpful dad possible (hopefully stuff don’t get too complicated and I become that dad that doesn’t know anything about the new tech)

  12. School smarts are just as important as street smarts. Learn body language, learn to read well, learn to read social situations, learn to listen, learn from other peoples mistakes, learn music, learn math, learn how to properly speak to women, respect your elders, wear a seat belt, just because you read something doesn’t mean it’s true, watch out for fake news, just because the sign says “walk” doesn’t mean you don’t still have to look both ways, learn to cook, learn to let things go, eat well, work out, don’t waste your youth, read the Bible at least once, social media usually only shows the best parts of people lives, appreciate nature, learn to survive in the wild, learn to defend yourself, learn to be alone, be careful with sharp objects, learn to control fire, traveling is important, learn Spanish or Latin, stop and smell the roses sometimes, don’t start smoking and drinking, learn to teach others.

    I’m sure there is much much more

  13. Personal finance. Money management. To have hobbies outside of work and studies. Teach them overall ‘how to take care of health(physical, mental, emotional), get them to learn at least one martial arts for self defence. Meditation. How not to take things personally. How to respond to bullys. Get them into habbit of reading and journalling. How to treat women(especially his coworkers, friends, sisters, and partner).

  14. Seeking mental health (therapy, etc) and talking about your feelings does not make you weak.

  15. Stoicism and self spirituality since birth. I don’t have kids yet but I’d like them to live an anxiety and depression free life, knowing to enjoy every moment they’re living, while doing that with wisdom. I just wish they could learn what i took 30 years to truly understand and feel this concept.

  16. Strangely enough to put the toilet seat down.. Went for a midnight shit and a house mate had left it up.

  17. The epicness of old metal songs… He will be up for adoption if he listens to country music…

  18. Take their responsibility instead of finding excuses. From the very little and personal, to big society problems. It they eat too much and don’t exercise they will be fat and unhealthy. If they don’t vote or vote wrong then they shouldn’t wine about problems that politiciams create. And so on, they have to analyse reality and understand the effects of what they do

  19. The benefits of weight training. Seriously. We have way too many sources on the internet to walk around with low T, depression (yes I know sometimes it’s not that simple- I have depressive disorder, but more studies are showing most people are depressed because they aren’t taking care of themselves- I also understand the negative feedback loop from childhood trauma, which is why I would teach them young, like at 13 or 14), low self esteem and little success with girls.

    It would help them build a positive body image and adequate self esteem from a young age, rather than trying to find it in their 20s, 30s or 40s. Longer life expectancy and quality of life. Maybe also throw in some yoga, running or whatever they respond to.

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