Just curious on how it differs from person to person.

  1. I started shaving in highschool, I think around 14, but it was a slow grow so I didn’t shave too often, by 17 or 18 it was a little quicker at growing so I’d just use an electric razor and shave it down.

    I never really noticed when it was “full blown” since the tops of my cheeks were always a little lacking in hair, but it wasn’t until COVID started when I decided to let it grow out so it’s now full blown.

  2. Started: 12.

    Full blown facial hair: never, it’s still a greying patchy mess at 37.

  3. depends on how you define things, but I had enough growing in to shave once a week by twelve. Well, probably closer to every two weeks, but the closer I got to official teenager status, the faster it was growing back. I had a decent stache at 14, but was neck beard only for another year and a half or so.

    Grew a van Dyke as my first attempt at it seriously my sophomore year of high school. It was a bit less glorious than I had hoped, but it was a legit chin beard.

    Stopped shaving after high school, had a decent beard in three months. Didn’t meet the stache at first, that took a few years. And it took a while to climb the cheeks fully.

    But yeah, I think I can say I was capable of growing an almost full beard by 16. Just the first signs of it, I think the darker hairs started showing up at 11.

    I’m a gods damned ape tbh.

    I tell ya though, the older I get, the tougher this shit gets. I kept it trimmed when I was working, but let it go all the way back about 2015. I trim every now and then to shape it up for funerals and such, and it’s more work than it used to be. Even my new trimmer bogs down lol.

  4. Started shaving my upper-lip around 14 years old, once or twice a week. Started having to shave my whole face every day about a year later, or a little longer.

  5. My beard growth came very late, around with age of 16.

    Ever since i started shaving.

    The real push where it literally grow everywhere on my chin and face was around 18.

  6. In my sophomore year.

    I hate it.

    I look ridiculous with a beard even if it’s not thick.

  7. I started shaving in like 6th or 7th grade. I could grow a full mustache, but not a beard until later in high school.

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