For the people who can be friends with their ex, I’m curious how you made the transition. Do you notice yourself slipping into romantic behaviors because it’s familiar? What boundaries do you have/what did you stop doing and what do you consider okay to still do?

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  2. I’ve only stayed friends with an ex twice. Once was in high school, and it was very easy because we only dated about three weeks and I ended it because I found myself thinking how perfect he’d be for my friend (as it turns out, I was TOTALLY RIGHT because they’ve been married 20 years and have three kids 🤣). The other time was a little harder, but not TERRIBLE – largely because our sexual chemistry was never amazing. It was ok, but nothing mind blowing. We went NC for about a week so I could come to terms with the breakup (his idea), but then we picked up almost like nothing had happened. Our relationship didn’t change much, other than what little sex we were having stopped. 🤪 We didn’t really have to set firm boundaries, as neither of us were tempted to start up the romantic side of things again. Since I’ve been in a new relationship, we communicate a little less, and don’t spend as much time together – and almost never time alone – out of consideration to my bf, and to allow me to prioritize my relationship.

  3. Ok im in this sitution now, we do not talk about each other sex/love life. Thats mostly whats changed. But we are still hooking up and helping each other out.
    We just figured we dont work as a couple but everything else falls in place.
    Its a weird situation and I have a feeling one of us might get hurt but for the time being , its nice to know that we can still count on each other.
    But we did go NC and analised our situation and both came to the same conclusion.
    We are now basically really good friends with benefits.
    I think this will only work untill one of us catches feelings for someone else which we also agreed to share if it happens as it wouldnt be fair to anyone.

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