Broke up with my ex 2.5 weeks ago. He is seeing someone else. I think he spends majority of his time with her now but he constantly texts and calls me. I haven’t spoken to him in 2 weeks . I blocked him a few Days ago and now I miss him so much.. should I unblock him?! I feel it puts a damper on my healing process getting stuff from him but I just miss him 🙁

  1. And hope for what? To what result? What are you hoping to gain here?

    He is already seeing another person. And even if he wanted to go back with you, would there be any change to the reasons why it broke off in the first place?

    Why walk into a building that’s still on fire? It’s not your job to extinguish it. In fact, I think you’ve been trying that for a while and you had to run outside because you couldn’t.


    They have multiple “friends” and partners.

    They have girlfriends, fuck buddies, platonic friends, and are on the prowl.

    You blocking him turns him on.

    Some men have their momma comforts.. the sweet girl who cooks for him and hugs him….

    Then he likes a chase.

    You are in chase mode.

    My brother hooked up with two or three people in one day.

    Move to a party town like San Diego to see what I mean.

  3. Oh just run in the other direction fast. Don’t walk don’t look back

    He’s not u future He’s in the past.
    Keep him blocked on every social media account u have. No calls etc
    U really need to move on and heal the pain.
    Your feelings will change just be kind to urself.

  4. Let him be. Move forward. Don’t unblock. He’s a liar anyway, with another girl and texting you. You want that?

  5. You like him texting you bc you like feeling more important than the current girlfriend..

    He was with you 2.5 wks ago so just Remind yourself that he was texting and calling her while you were together, prob even told her he would breakup with you to be with her, because she was the most important to him/ never felt that way before/she was special/they had a connection etc.
    I would be cringing thinking what he must’ve been saying to her/about me, while I was with him.
    Be glad it’s over and keep him blocked.

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