i don’t love my boyfriend romantically anymore.

boyfriend m18, im f17, 2 year relationship. at first i was infatuated. but now i love him the same exact way i love my best friend. i don’t have romantic feelings or any sense of attraction anymore. the only issue is this; he is obsessed. the more i distance, the more obsessed he gets. he loves me so much. and i appreciate it, ive never ever been loved like this before. and maybe this is all just me stopping myself from being happy because I think I don’t deserve love but that’s a story for a therapist.

boyfriend is going to trade school in a couple months. i don’t want to wait that long to end things. should i use it as an easy out? i want success. i want to study far from my messy home life, he spends half his days high and doesn’t go to school. he works hard, but we’re just so different now.

ive waited so long to end things because im afraid to be without him. i don’t want to lose the love he provides, or him as a person. because i do love him, just not in the way i should. and im scared to be on my own. im usually really independent but ive grown attached i guess.

his mom also became a mother figure to me after my own mom died and I’m scared to lose that too. his little sister is close to me, she reminds me of my sister that passed when I was younger. his dad is kind, and his twin and i are friends. it’s so much to lose all at once.

i cant expect him to be my best friend if we break up. i recognize that that’s beyond selfish.

what do I do?

tdlr: confused teenager who doesn’t share romantic feelings but is emotionally attached

1 comment
  1. Let him go so he can find love with someone else. You’re holding him back because you’re afraid to end it. It will be hard, but you should be on your own.

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