I’m off work for the rest of the month and I’ve been so bored. My boyfriend works the majority of the day so I’m just in the house all day waiting for him to get back basically. I even cleaned the parts of the house he normally cleans.

  1. I’m confused. I can’t imagine a favorite activity that didn’t bring me pleasure or enjoyment.

  2. ASMR, listening to my vinyl record, or reading. Some version of a single auditory input or none, with 1 to 0 things going on.

  3. I spend a lot of time alone in my shop working in projects. Building cars, motorcycles, 3d printing. Things like that.

  4. But all my favorite alone time activities bring me pleasure otherwise they wouldn’t be my favorite. I play piano, I play games, I watch movies, I read books, I talk a walk while listening to a podcast, I travel

  5. I don’t get much peace and quiet. When I’m alone I often sit in the recliner, put the tv on, grab a blanket and doze off. Unfortunately it doesn’t happen often.

  6. i get high. play video games high. drink and get high.

    basically, as an adult with full time job and a kid, whatever actual free time i have i spent it high, drunk and playing video games.

  7. I took up painting a while back when I had free time. Started with cheap canvases from various stores and cheap to mid grade acrylic paints and brushes. Ended up making a bit of money off of it.

  8. If it’s a ‘favorite’ it means I enjoy it, which means I get pleasure from it which means it cannot apply to this question. Everything that is anyone’s ‘favorite’ is their favorite because they get pleasure from it. So the only answer is. nothing, there is nothing that is my favorite that I get no pleasure from.

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