i need help.

About 8 months ago i met this girl. We started talking everyday and got really close to each other. We shared feelings regularly and just enjoyed each other’s company a lot.

After about 4 months of knowing her, we started dating. And it was all going well until one day i found out she had lied about her past.

We were having a conversation on our past and i told her all the truth. She lied to me about it. And then to cover up those lied told me more lies about her past.

This has been going on for two months and i finally decided to break up with her. Only to find out that she had indeed lied to me again regarding her past and relationship with her bestfriend.

I have had had enough of it and decided to cut all ties with her, and i am really happy with my decesion.

But my feelings were still hurt and she used to be someone i used to talk to every single day and i actually thought we could be something special.

Even though i am happy with my decesion, it still hurts.

She cried and pleaded me to stay, but her lies to me hurt me always and they seem to be never ending.

I know i have taken the right decesion. I am proud of myself for that.

I know time will heal everything and i should use these months to focus on myself and work on myself.

I even talked to my bestfriends about it and they assured me i will be good.

Just felt like sharing how i feel, thank you so much for reading.

I know about the positive effects this community has on people and i just hope it effects me positively aswell

Thank you and have a great day.

  1. Good that you cut her off. When you’re ready to date again be intentional. Let the other people know you’re looking for someone honest. Kind of sucks these days that you have to weed through so many people just to find someone genuine, but when you do I’m sure it will be amazing

  2. An important life skill is walking away from women. Too many dudes put up with terrible behaviors.

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